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Can you name all of the first gen pokemon in 12 minutes?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by kamage, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    lol funny because:
    i had just gotten back into pokemon sapphire and on my science test on the periodic table i wrote:
    instead of gold, golem
    instead of iron i said aron
    and other stuff lol
    ill tell you when i get my results

    FYI for the test thingy, the one that started this forum.........

    i got 151 out of 151 :D
    i will later try the 2nd generation one :)
  2. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    i got a 118 of them, i was so hooked up to the game, i had a little problem starting up though, with all the spelling mistakes in the names xD
  3. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    on the 2nd generation one i got them all right

    does that mean im a poke nerd???