I know, we live in the same country. A professor of mine did a reasearch on this. She visited the people that was oppressed during the Japanese occupation in the philippines, she illiterated the details of the "rape" scene. Women are kidnapped randomly. Apparently the style was a whore house. One woman caters a few 10-20 men per day probably even more. Every session was 3-4 some. No restraint was given. No medical check up. Hell even the men in que are cumming before even given the turn. Then after they are done with the woman they just drop her off somewhere. Some of the women were disowned by their own family, by their husband. Never to see their children again. Are you saying that these should just be forgotten? and you mentioned that they sought justice, yes they did but none was heard by the japanese government. And even if the they were heard, at most that they will receive is what? a few words of apologies? money for compensation? So we can just oppress others and pay them later? Imagine if that girl was your little sister. by the way....the minimum age for the girls kidnapped was 12 years old. True..if you forget the people that bullied you during your schooldays you will be able to enjoy life. But how exactly are you going to break that to the parents and friends of those kids who commited suicide because of bullying? apparently it is very popular in japan. I agree with you that IF we didn't keep "whining" we would have created something more constructive. However most people live for their own happiness. Not for prosperity but for happiness. So it does not matter whether a religion is true or not, as long as it does good to the people?. Yeah, a teacher of mine - a jesuit priest once talked about this. He said that it shouldn't matter what the representatives do, because what we believe is that they represent not the representatives. But what bothers me is that why bother believing and following, when those that says to follow doesn't do the following?. attacking? Aren't we just questioning the logic behind their belief?. If there is no logic behind it then aren't they just being blind about it? I think im more comfortable with this theory than that of classical theism.
For your first set of questions, my answer is to just live. Live the now, not the then. You can ramble on about injustice if you were one of them, but if you're not why should you, graphic detailed explanations of the dastardly deeds are not enough to exactly tell you how they would have felt. You must have felt it yourself to fully understand their situation. As the "With Apologies to Jessie Jackson" episode in South Park says, "you don't get it what African Americans feel when somebody say the N word to them, unless you yourself are Black". It's okay to sympathize with them that's all you really can do to ease their pain Your second Question about suicidal kids, again you can't generalize the situation as just "Some whiny kid who can't take the hardships of life", unless you've been there yourself. Japan has a different social system than we do, heck everyone has their individual social system working for them so again you can't just generalise. But here's my thought on this as I once fell into that suicidal path. Many a times did I considered suicide whilst I was in High School, but let me tell you what helped me overcome it. A friend, yup just a friend who listened to me when I was feeling the burdens of the world. But not a religios friend like God or Jesus if you're thinking that, no what I meant was a real actual person. In Japan, it's very hard for kids to confide their problems to adults or atleast to their parents, as in a way they get estranged from them early on as kids. This is because in Japan, most kids are left in daycare centers at very early stages because their parents both need to work. So the kids don't really get that attached to their parents & the parents themselves don't get to know who their kid is, so naturally they can't recognise the signs when their kids have problems & such. That's the wonderful powers our parents have, provided they really got to know us, no matter how we lie or hide our problems they can sense if we are hurt or not. And yes, do you even know how brutal Japanese education is? Let me tell you this, we have it easy, for them a long day in school is not enough, some of them even go to remedial classes after, even if they're not bad students, they need the extra credit to get into University which really is cut throat. Now with regards to "individual pursuit of happiness", that's not really something selfish. It's even evident in nature, only the fittest survive. So you really can't blame some corrupt political bastards for amassing huge wealth while the rest suffer in poverty, again it's all part of our nature, what we can do is fight against it to live. As for your question if a religion is good weither it's based on unrealistic non-factual facts as long as it helps an individual to live & seek out his place in the world. My answer would be yes, as long as what you believe satisfies you & gives meaning to your life, then yes that is good. But if you use what you believe in to hurt others, then yes, that is bad. Why should we follow when the leaders themselves are at fault? I say don't follow, do your own thing, follow your beliefs & do what you believe is spiritual & just for you. Again I use myself as an example. After denouncing the Christian faith, I quit going to mass just because I hate the priests & such. But I incorporated a few things in Christianity with what I found on other religions & celebrate or do my duties of my own accord, like going to my annual obligation to stampede over people during my birthday on every ninth of January on the feast day of the Black Nazarene. I don't go to mass but I fight my way to the image of my birthdate mate. Questioning others & what they believe in is okay, as long as you don't go into saying things like "you religious people are blindly following empty teachings", or as far as "religious people are idiots or un-reasonable, as you yourself are mis judging them for who they are. How would you like it if someone called you out because of your skin clour, nationality or creed? The same goes with faith, you shouldn't question the validity of what others think, as I said so long as that what makes them happy. And finally your comment on classical theology? What is classical theology anyway, if you're referring again to Christianity, then you were told wrong, because Christianity isn't that old really, there are others before it. And as I have said countless times before, study other religions first before going on a rampage over religion only referring to Christianity. You really have to read up on religion subjectively, not objectively. Sure alot of the things you may read will seem something like a crack addict would say when he's high on dope, but what you should really focus on is the message for seeking hope or a meaning to it all, because that's what these things are really offering. If you don't agree with what they say then fine, but don't go all, "you're just believing in pointless prattle". Because all that will do is just bring more hatred in this bad world we're living in.
1- I ALWAYS get revenge; I got revenge on the person who attemted to force christening on me, I broke his nose! 2- I do not generalise; I have trouble with explaining and describing but I know what I mean. 3- There is proof that Christianity and the Catholic religion's 'holy book' has lied in roughly 90% of it's stories the rest hasn't been proven wrong yet, but there was never anything correct proven. 4- Religion still brings people to commit malicious acts today; espescially Christians/Catholics, the Klu Klux Clan still exists! 5- Just 'normal' theists commit negative acts because of their religion; they treat other people wrongly and they are further prejudiced than me. 6- You will not understand why I despise religion; I am not explaining it, it is a long story and it will fall on deaf ears... 7- You say look at the past! We should and that tells us all the trouble religion has cause and that there is no significant benefit from religion
Actually, it has been proven that there was a guy named jesus who was crucified around the right time. Nothing else has been proven though. I agree with your other points from 3 onwards, however in point 4 there needs to be a distinction between atrocities caused by religion (such as the salem witch trials) and atrocities that used religion as an excuse to carry them out (such as the jihadist bombings in london/madrid etc etc). 5 depends on how devout the theist is, but in most cases it is true. 7 is true in that there is no longer a significant benefit, but there was at one time (it was a convenient explanation for things that weren't understood).
sym⋅pa⋅thy [sim-puh-thee] Show IPA Pronunciation noun, plural -thies, adjective –noun 1. harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another. 2. the harmony of feeling naturally existing between persons of like tastes or opinion or of congenial dispositions. 3. the fact or power of sharing the feelings of another, esp. in sorrow or trouble; fellow feeling, compassion, or commiseration. 4. sympathies, a. feelings or impulses of compassion. b. feelings of favor, support, or loyalty: It's hard to tell where your sympathies lie. 5. favorable or approving accord; favor or approval: He viewed the plan with sympathy and publicly backed it. 6. agreement, consonance, or accord. 7. Psychology. a relationship between persons in which the condition of one induces a parallel or reciprocal condition in another. so sympathy is all your willing to give?. When a family dies, go sympathize, when famine hits go sympathize, when the world is dying, heck go symphatize. So we blame the educational system and social system of japan woot!!! curse the system. However the question still stands. How are you going to break it to the family and friends of those that committed suicide? "Your kid was stupid, he deserve it!" "Your kid was a wussy that can't handle life!" is what i have in mind....of course there is always This reminds me of story a teacher in philosophy of mine said, dont know if its true. Once in the past Lincoln saved a pig that was drowning in a river, the boy thanked him but Lincoln replied "I didn't do it for you, I did it for myself. I don't want to be bothered by the thought of the drowning pig later on". I see. Then i suppose that there is no power in this world that would justify the Holy Crusade. ergo there would be nothing to justify what it represented. - christianity. Aye aye...thats why in the philippines we have so many...subsidiary religions, too bad the pastors/leaders extorts/harass/molests its members. dont question the validity of others.................. hey hey everyone!..lets go to ROME and KILL the pope. its all right, people have no right to question the validity of what makes us happy. What exactly do you mean by "subjectively", when does reading become subjective? sub⋅jec⋅tive [suhb-jek-tiv] Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective 1. existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective ). 2. pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation. 3. placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric. 4. Philosophy. relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself. I dont really get it. My understanding of it is to read with prejudice. To become bias. hmm... If I read 1 + 1 = 2..how do you make it subjective?
thinking about god can be killed....? how about if you think first...how it can be? just be grateful that you're not the one who has been killed
Yes, God can be killed. You have to turn him mortal first. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......haven't you even watch Disney's Hercules?
yes i watched that film, but were not talking about greek gods and heroes. We are focusing on the Christian God Yahweh.
What i've speculated on the past couple of dreams is that if there is a 'god' it is no where near as described in any of the current religions... And if it does exist the life forms existing would be able to get rid of it if a majority decided so...
Has anyone heard about the Spear of Destiny? I think that it relates to this thread. *Too lazy to open up a link*
I treat religious people just like vegitarians. I have no problem with someone who wants to believe in a god or gods as long as they don't try and push their beliefs onto me. I'm not religious or a vegitarian, but both are personal choices and both have their share of nutcses and zealots, but atheists do too, in the end all groups end up looking the same, probably because they're made up of humans.
Kill Bill: Vol 1 Kenji Ohba said, "if you combat with god somewhere, you can can kill it with this sword." you're not human?? wakakakaw...
This is all subjective. It depends on HOW you view God. If you take it for what it is, then NO, it can't be killed.
Too bad .... Some people just did not go in depth then go around saying things like that and this... or rather they dont have a chance to go indepth...huehuehue....