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Can GOD be killed?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by XD9999, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    No, that's dislike and I didn't generalise I said they have the most spout offs. I am not extremist either, I do not hurt people for their beliefs nor do I justify my actions with pathetic excuses...
    Aagh! You hit me with a technicality! It burns!
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Whereas if you read it with an open mind you'll see just how unlikely and full of holes it is.
  3. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Parents usually just drill it in...
  4. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member


    Ok, Please do tell me, How do i read it with a Open mind ? becuase when i first read it, i didnt believe in God, i thought it was just a waste of time. but still i seriously do wanna see it how you guys see it so then i can Fully decide for myself if i believe. ye there are some holes in it. but the only excuse i can come up with is that its been translated, God knows how many times.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    that is for you to learn. I was brought up a christian; but I managed to break through the brainwashing and see that things are not what they're made out to be.
  6. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    i see. Thanks for the Advise

  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Same, my area was basically Christian but I just flipped and stated my Atheism, now my 'generation' as you may call it is mainly atheist, but I guess that's how rebellion goes. Plus my hatred/passion helps me rip debates apart with the debating club at my school; evidence FTW!
  8. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    HAHAHA, your a Strong Debatest. Seriously.
    Evidance Bites Hard on your ass

    Believe me
  9. i9urd

    i9urd New Member

    Nietzsche is a funny guy.
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Difficulties arise in all debates and situations. Evidence is a strong usage.
    But alas I can be a hot head which provides difficulties to me, once i've had my 'roar' i'm all better... o_O
    I'm weird, i know...
  11. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    This has become a heated discussion. How bout a video for a change?
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    what the hell are you talking about? my post isnt about wrong people and right people, the wrong and right is the answer of the post that i have quoted......

    anyway i'll play along.....

    people who come with a bad background doesnt necessary do bad things, its quite the opposite, i seen alot of people with bad background turn out better then the people with good background, one of my friend is a manager with 3k plus salary and his father is a alcholic and his mother is a gambling addict. People who do bad thign just because they come from a bad background are idiot who doesnt want to work to change thier life.

    and as for the bolded word, i have facts that people doesnt need god because they can work for them self, read one of my post above, i already explain it there.

    well if you are so strong why do you seek "guide and protection from higher power"?, face it, people who "seek guide and protetion from higher power" are weaklings who cant do anything for them self. as i mention in one of my post, people have power to do everything for them self. People who belive their successed because of god is just lack of self confident, there for their are weaklings.
  13. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Hmm...If a child is to depend on his/her parents, can that be called weakness?

    Be able to do everything. Thats too idealistic. Can you do the same thing everyone else in the world can do?. Can you be Loonylion on Monday and change to Cahos on Tuesday?. We can never do everything by ourselves thats one reason why we rely on others. I wouldn't call it a weakness but more of a natural response. Isn't that a reason why we help people out in this community. Im sure this applies to existent people. Not sure to god though.
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    It does mean the child has a weakness; it needs help as it is not tough enough yet...

    And people don't need others; animals can survive on their own...
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Not necessarily true, every animal in the world needs another to survive:

    1. For Carnivores they need herbivores for food.

    2. Even though there are animals who are solitary, mostly males like in the big cat family, but still they depend on others for things like reproduction.

    3. And speaking of reproduction, you need others of your own kind to survive, that is to continue your species' lineage. So how can you survive if you're on your own?

    Are you really sure you're not hurting others here now? Not physical yes, but you continually bashing people for their beliefs is also an attack on people you know? If you truly respect people for who they are you wouldn't harbour any hatred towards their beliefs & not spout out things like "Religion is bullshit", "or religious people are retards", but no, you just have to blurt these out.

    And why should we keep on debating if what these "stories" tell are ridiculous or not? Can't we just focus on what they want to teach us, like love thy neighbor & all that jazz? Yes religions like Christianity brought on alot of atrocities in the past, but as we can't change the past, can't we all just move forward & back off on what each other believes in? The past is past, just bear with it & move forward to a future where everyone lives side by side regardless of race, creed & beliefs.
  16. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I'm not talking about the food chain or reproduction; some species only meet up to reproduce anyway...

    And yes I know I get enraged too easily... But there's somethings religion has done that give me reason for anger... You probably wouldn't understand and there's some reasons that are personal.
    But i'm a loner; I get the time to think and that helps me think better (at the loss of tact) so I can use my potential to show the errors of religion so one day the problems caused won't happen today.
  17. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Easier said than done. In the past people were killed for conquest and power. For religion and holyness. If your family is say raped and brutally murdered. Are you saying that you will just sit by and say "Forgive and Forget?". We live in the present because of the past. I don't really see why we must let go of the past. Isn't that the same as forgetting history?.
  18. wes_new_name

    wes_new_name Well-Known Member

    no that doesnt mean god can be killed. that just means that the dude downstairs wants to defeat the dude upstairs. if he could create the dude downstairs than he could obviously get rid of him
  19. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    if that is so. then why dont the dude upstairs just eliminated the dude downstairs, that way everything becomes a lot simpler.
  20. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    That's the problem, we keep recalling the past for what it was, instead we should learn from the mistakes that had been done so we can never commit them again.

    Let me expound on your rape scenario.

    Back in World War 2 my country also suffered alot because of it, in particular the women & as one film tells even homosexuals as well, because alot of them became sex slaves by the Japanese during their occupation. Alot of the traumatized women (& gays it seems) deal with it by keeping things hidden, they just kept the anger inside without doing anything other than harbouring hate or shame. But there where others who did let their voices be heard & though Japan still doesn't want to apologize or pay for what it did during the war atleast there were people who were brave enough to speak out & seek justice.

    Or how about this one.

    Say there was this bully back in grade school who always beat you up & stole your lunch money. When you Graduated you lost touch of the guy but still the pain he has given you stays with you, consuming you 'til there's nothing left for you but to exact revenge. Now say there was another classmate of yours who the bully also bullied. But unlike you, he learned to accept what he went through & moved on. Which do you think is better, harbouring guilt 'til it consumes you or accepting the past & moving on? Yes you were bullied & yes the bully needs to be taught a lesson, but if that's what you'll be focusing on for the rest of your life then you'll miss out on the other great things in life, getting laid is one of them :D

    What I'm trying to say is, yes there were alot of nasty things that were done in the past but we must not dwell on them for such a long time. How long has it been since then? 400, 500, 600 years now? Surely we could have done alot more constructive things by now, & we have, aside from whining about the it all day.

    Fine Christians did alot of bad things back then, but it doesn't mean the Christians of today are like that still. You're just generalizing everyone doing that. And FYI, the average Christian isn't that bad, it's those Religious leaders who are. Religion is just a tool or a set of beliefs, it's the people who follow it & use it who makes the Religion's action good or bad, not the Religion itself.

    Take for example a gun, it is meant to be used as a weapon, a tool for killing. But depending on its owner's intentions, it can be used as a tool for pleasure, for hunting for food, as a murder weapon or a weapon to serve & protect. It's not the gun's fault if it was used for good or evil, it's the one pulling the trigger you need to persecute or praise.

    As with religion, its primary purpose is to give a meaning or purpose in life, but it was by the hand of it's followers' leaders actions that made it into a tool that ruined our civilization. So you shouldn't hate the religion or its followers for the wrongs done in the past, it's the leaders you should stone to death. That is why I denounced my faith in the first place, I don't give a rat's ass to priests, preechers, pastors or ministers giving empty sermons of humility, honesty & such, knowing they themselves don't always do what they preech.

    Religion should be something personal, something you yourself believe in, not something imposed on you, that's why I really don't like the way this debate is going, you maybe attacking a certain religion it seems, but in truth you unknowingly are attacking an individual & his beliefs, & by doing so you aren't totally being accepting others :(

    My answer to that, is God didn't make the guy downstairs. If you're refering to Lucifer, the fallen angel of God as Satan himself then you're wrong. According to the Bible, in Genesis, Satan originated from the serpent who ate the fruit of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good & evil. But then you may ask, "why the hell then did God create the damn tree in the first place", some say it's to test Adam & Eve's loyalty or failty against curiosity & innocence. But an argument still remain, why put the tree if all your intentions are for only good things.

    In my study of various religions I found an answer in the Wiccan creation story. In it, there was this God named Marduk who rose up against an ancient being, this being either good or evil is not explained, only that there was chaos & nothingness before this Ancient being was killed. Marduk created everything in the universe, including the race of man from that ancient being's remains. This very much coincides with the Judea-Christian creation theory of how God created everything from nothingness & how man was crafted from the Earth.

    The tree of knowledge then seems to be an alusion to the Ancient being's remaining body area that Marduk could never re fashion to something else as it still lives & is just asleep. Something he could not get rid off but had to seal off somewhere for safe keeping. The serpent in the Jude-Christian creationist theory then maybe an alusion to the Ancient being's minions who are trying to sway man to their side to rebuild their fallen master, very similar to the Devil or Satan luring men's heart to hell.

    And that ancient being's name, Tiamat which was adapted as Satan by the Syrians from the Mesopotemian followers of the originating religion of Wicca.

    Another question I should answer here is the question of why God (again the Judea-Christian one) created death, or the Angel of death. Again in the bible God created Death as an answer to what Cain did to his brother Abel. For killing his brother in cold envy or evil, Cain was punished to forever wander the earth as a banished soul. God created death since he saw that man came from dust then unto dust he must return.

    If you study eastern Religious theologies however it says that Good & evil exists as part of a whole, the whole idea of the Yin & Yang theory states that one can never be without the other, good needs evil, life needs death, light needs dark. You can't have just one or the other you need balance, hence crime maybe punishable but you can't really remove it altogether. Balance is everything as they say.