Maybe they don't exist. But would that mean that reincarnation would be more acceptable as the system of the afterlife? It eliminates the need of gods.
For me I'd like to think of re-incarnation as a better means to explain the after life, not in a religious point of view but more of a Naturalists point of view. We see in nature that everything goes through two constant things: 1. A cycle of renewal & decay - Just like having the seasons, everything in nature eventually comes full circle. You were born, grow up, multiply then die. So who can really tell if someday we "could" return as something else? 2. Change - everything around us changes, both in good &/or bad, but which ever path changes takes, that is the one thing we know that will always happen. Put both together & you have a cycle of infinite possibilities, all eventually going full circle. Yes Ginetics & such proves that no two people will ever be alike, but with the myriads of possible genetic combinations who can say that in time, "your" combination might come back? And putting Religion aside, what then is this life force we all possess that doesn't disappear but just takes another form elsewhere?
Well there is the energy cycle that we die, something eats us or we rot, then the earth or the creature is eaten or rotten and so on. And although I am Atheist I do believe in reincarnation but not the religion that teaches that idea, I belive we have some sort of Soul or Aura (Or something to that effect) that has an influence on our personality, when we die I think our memories go but not the Soul/Aura, instead it goes to a different life to influence it, so we aren't just in an endless void of forever unconsciousness... Some people say they have *other* memories and strange dreams, some people when they have a heart transplant can act slightly differemt and have *memories*, so that kind of supports that idea... I just don't like to think there is an end...
there is a big problem with reincarnation. for anything, there must be a starting point. if a runner wants to run in a circle, he has to start from somewhere. he isn't simply at first hand in motion. even if he is at first hand in motion, what would have started that motion.
That's the same with the theory of existance, what started it if there was nothing, religious people say 'god' but what put 'god' there if that's what they think...
and the question would reflect back again, man created by god, then who is god created by [suppose it's the number 2], then who created 2, and it repeats itself over and over. it doesn't matter who created god and who is the creater of the creater that created god. what is important to understand is that there is an entity that is able to create beings and he or she or whatever it is, comes from a higher plane and existance.
Or there is no entity but just an unexplainable conundrum... Or this could be all one person's dream who comes from a place that does make sense
but then the question would rise on who created him and the being that created him and so and so. so it would be a dream within a dream of another dream and again and again. what a big mystery huh!
well if god is real (i don't believe his is) hes "lives" out side time and space so our laws don't apply to it so god isn't rely alive so you can not kill what is not alive
I'd like to be the one to state the fact that if we didn't have a God, then there would be no use for religion, right? If we didn't have religion, we would have a suppressed moral behavior between countries. Without religion, we would have different rules today rather than without. We have to thank religion for that. To me, religion acts as a moral GUIDE, but not a rulebook. God is there, but then not in the way you expect it. But would that mean that God is a being, supernatural being, or whatever? Nothing has proof in God, and we have evidence against God. But WHY do people still have religion? Fear of change or whatever? People have religion for something to comfort them. We have to have a God, because if we didn't, would you want to live a life aimlessly, with no goal? There can be a God, but then there is the chance there isn't...
God could just well be a concept like love or hate, very intangible but very "real" for everyone. Ang Kamage is right, God serves most as something you can hold onto for hope, for that is what every version of God gives. A hope for a healthy child, a hope for a better tomorrow, etcetera. But just because God serves as a moral-psychological crotch it doesn't mean you rely on him/her whatever all the time, you yourself do what needs to be done to fullfill what it is you hope for. He/she whatever, is just there as a source for strength & inspiration. And again I shall state that it's better to believe in something & hope for the improbable & go through with life with something guiding you then just blatantly mocking people believing in a God & saying that when you die, that's the end of it, it's so damn emo if you ask me
We're not mocking people here, we're discussing the concept of God based on the subjective opinions of members of this community, hoping to make a logical reason as to what is the largely accepted truth here in romulation. There are a lot of gods in the past believed to give inspiration. Goddess of Love, God of War, God of the Sea, etc. and in this day and age they were said to be "pagan" gods, - non-existing. as it is mention in the bible. There is only one God. Now if there is only one God that would mean that this "inspirations" came from nothing but themselves. That would mean that the're just making excuses for their effort and achievements. If the same would happen a few hundred years from now. When man is able to discover how to enter the "realm" of the gods - (uber advance - typical fictional sci-fi e.a. time travel). Can we say that we are NOT just making excuses to make our existence sound more ...religious? by saying "I WAS INSPIRED BY GOD!". "I WAS HEALED BY GOD!". "I WAS IMPREGNATED BY GOD!"
Well let's make a religion where Seph is god and see if he gets special powers It's quite funny isn't it? Bwahahaha! If I heard somebody shout that out in the street I would wet myself! XD Well, we shouldn't change the past but now there is no need for religion, I have a conscience yet I am atheist, I don't like people suffering but I'm not having ANYONE OR ANYTHING telling me what to do, I do what I want, and I know the consequences, I make my own judgement.
unlike love or hate, you actually feel them, so the concept of love, hate and other emotional state is more solid (and real) then god. only weakling need "guide from higher power" and the bolded word confirm my claim. one more thing is some of the religion people told me that if i dont have faith, i got nothing. but then i ask them, would faith put food on my table? would faith shield me from getting fired if i did a poor job at work? would faith pervent me from misfortune?. so far no religion people able to answer me back. sometime when i ask "If there is a god, when why there is war, crime and other misfortune in the world", then people would reply "God is just testing our will", then i would ask "So god enjoy seeing people surfer and in pain, doesnt that mean god is actually a demon?", and that normally would end any discussion. the way i see it god is just a tool created by people to control and keep order when the law and law enforcement fail to keep things in order by using the one weakness that everyone has "fear of the uncertain". No one know what happen after you die and that uncertainty make death very fearful.
Because it would violate the concept of free will? If God intervenes everyday, that would mean that the "free will" is not exactly free. Although this theory is also shot down by the ever so popular miracles of god. woot woot. Yup yup yup. This is one of the reasons why the church is more wealthy than the people. [just felt like putting this up] Then why do priests live in a extravagant homes? I doubt that. Remember the brother of moses?..His son was killed by the plague of God. Who comforted him? riggghttt....then what do we call those "holy" men that shouts "blasphemy!" and "witch!"? Well actually they get tied to a stake and burned alive -remember Joan of Arc? Then why do we have a concept of hell? Only Children have "pure hearts". Like america? (no offense) yay! Joan of Arc...again..
I think most religious people on this thread will have given up arguing now because of those posts...
It is a basic error to consider Lucifer as an enemy of God an equal to him that would means God isn't the supreme one so there would another one superior to both God and Lucifer and this one would be the real one Almighty God. If you read "Job" and "Genesis"you will see that Lucifer/Satan is a son of God like the other angels and Jesus, and that God gives him order and restriction in his acts (In Job Satan ask God to give him permission to hurt Job so that is faith can be tested), Satan is like God's dog. God is perfect and complete, father of all that exists, he cannot be killed cause he is death and life. But that doesn't means he liked dark but in his mightiness he knows that death is necessary for life and that darkness gives light his true sense. God isn't what church said to you is far more powerful and more perfect; try read Mikail Aivanhov's book "Les puissances de la vie"(i don't know the english name) and "LA CRÉATION DU MONDE Jacques Cassabois"(another french book)
Are you saying dogs are lesser beings than humans?! I say.... I say indeed.... Dogs are not lesser Sir, not at all madam...