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Can GOD be killed?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by XD9999, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    play god of war
  2. tim1182

    tim1182 Well-Known Member

    well since ax_coleen hasnt responded we can safely assume he (she) decided to cluck
  3. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    god can be killed... everyone just has to stop believing in god, or using god in a sentence, or thinking of god at all (or Zeus, or Allah)
  4. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Good Point!
    God, well i kinda believe because i want to keep my soul when i die.....
  5. briot12

    briot12 Member

    God can die the same way Voldemort died
  6. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    ^Voldemort is not God or whatever close to it.... he's basically human....

    well, i don't think it called GOD if it can be killed....

    killed is different with die... killed means someone/something is doing something bad to someone that causing death to that someone....
  7. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Voldemort is a vampire, dummmy...
  8. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    voldemort is a vampire?? is he only a human?? a human that separate his seven souls into different parts so that he cannot completely die unless every soul of his is destroyed....i never read any part from harry potter's novel that voldemort is vampire.... have you??
  9. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I think he is referring to the fact that he drinks unicorn blood. But that doesn't make him a vampire.
  10. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    vampire's definitely not human, it's a dead human that came alive again and drinks human blood... voldemort never die until harry kill him...
  11. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    This topic is about God, not Harry Potter ::)
  12. kidopitz27

    kidopitz27 Member

    If you can see him you can kill him but if you can't well thats another story maybe you can see him if you die and your soul goes to heaven(heaven and hell are just made up stories of the church to scare people and to have fear in god)

    he can't be killed if you kill him he will just resurrect himself like what he did in the bible writings ( who wrote the bible?)

    there are a lot of gods out there like pharaohs after they died "they transcend to the realm of their gods and the people of Egypt will call him a god" E.G Ramses II <<<<<<------you can kill this god because he is a human
  13. Killua Zaoldyeck

    Killua Zaoldyeck Well-Known Member

    human ain't god... human is created by god... that's why it is not a God if you can kill it... except if there are many god and they kill each other... now that's more like it...
  14. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    God is invincible.... hes having sex with Eve on the sun... Eve's 999999999999999999999999999th daughter, that is....
    God can be dead if you are not christian or if you dont believe in God...
    *Crazy christian shoots iluvgtavcs with a .357 DESERT EAGLE.... in the head*
  15. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Science should be respected more than religion.However ,you can't kill god,unless you kill yourself or hurt your 'emotional brain'.
  16. meobi

    meobi Member

    i agree with you on that but this is also implying that god is manmade, which is probably true. i am not a christian myself and i no way am i implying that this topic is all about a christian god. people have different beliefs and i respect that and what we they all have in common should be that they teach people to be good and happy.
  17. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i don't know why you respect it, they don't deserve any. i used to respect religion and beliefs but since learning more i have no respect for it at all. just because someone believes something does not give them automatic respect, pedophiles believe kids are good sex partners you going to respect that?
    they also don't teach people to be good and happy, they should but they don't they teach fear and hatred.