Thor is a religious god to some. He just happened to be one of the gods in a religion that is no longer mainstream.
I think that God, if he exists, has put us in this world for us to learn, and that if the world wasn't so f'd up, that we wouldn't learn anything. if the world was perfect, we would be stupid children. And technically, we chose to try to learn by 'eating from the tree of knowledge', if that's actually how it happened and even if we were tempted. as to whether or not he can be killed, we won't know in this life. (if we have another) Post Merge: [time]1244149232[/time] who's to say whether or not God is imaginary? sure, theres no proof he does exist. that doesn't mean that it's proof that he doesn't.
Darkaxl, if the world was perfect there would be nothing TO learn apaprantly. Making the world imperfect gives us something to learn but only because there was something to learn. If the world was perfect we wouldn't be stupid, we would just be living lives like how we are now.
Yes it does, no proof of him existing and proof against most things in the bible is proof. There is evolution for one example. There's so much lies and fairy tales in that book that this is proof that it is wrong.
i think god only exist because we think so and its probably the same reason why people debate about it because they're probably thinking in those heads of theirs "What if god exist? OMG!!! IM GOING TO HELL IF HE EXIST!!!". ~I Think Therefore I AM~ -Rene Descartes- says by that guy.
god dies when you don't beleive in him then you become your own god then in time you die so inthat sense yes in a traditional sense no as he is a being of unlimited power
Huh, really? When was this? Damn, should've paid more attention in school... It's not "bigfoot", is it?
actually hundreds of "mising" links have been found giving undoubtable information on evolution. and most schools don't have correct text books, even most universities have outdated information.
Okay, but think about it. Wouldn't there be at least one ape who is very much like a human in the world? Kinda like a "hairy human". I'm talking about the same amount of hair that an ape has.
1- This year was when the missing link was found so text books won't have it 2- Hair doesn't matter, it's only bloody hair, there's really hairy men so call him an ape and there you go 3- Religion likes to use excuses huh?
I wouldn't know about that, I'm not a religious person. Even though, I do go to church on Sundays, that's just out of boredom.
please your talking about ida, don't talk bollocks it was A missing link. one of hundreds of different ones, what was special about it is it was one of the only parts of the evolutionary tree thing that was predicted but not yet found. it was the mistake of the idiot scientist that had it that hyped it up as THE missing link. there are no missing links anymore (as far as i know) there was! they evolved/died out. we are modern human, there were many species of early human who were hairy men (if you like a simplified down version of it) oh and WE ARE APES, humans are classed under ape we always have been and always will. and can we please keep this on topic and not turn it in to the debate that got locked because some people won't learn and won't listen to years and years of research because they'd rather believe a far fetched story.
Got it in one. If nobody believes in God, does that not mean for all intents and purposes God doesn't exist? All theists I've talked to regarding this react by taking a place like Australia before it was discovered as an example - did it exist beforehand? But then we get into the Uncertainty Principle.