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Can GOD be killed?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by XD9999, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    And then atheists/scientists will reply with evidence against it and asking for some evidence from the other side to defend themselves but they get upset and then act like fools and the circle will go on
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Not all Scientists are Atheist CJ :)
  3. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    and most atheists know nothing about science or history or the religion they're arguing about.

    but to be honest asking for evidence of god is stupid because the point of it is to have faith
  4. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I said "/" which means and/or in that case
  5. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest



    If your an atheist you cannot kill that which does not exist
    If your a theist you cannot kill that which is ultimately beyond you
    If you are a deist you should not worry about such things.
  6. devourblade

    devourblade Member

    Can GOD be killed?

    It's a paradox.
    We can't really answer this.

    Even more so, I'd like to share a theory-like opinion on this. I'll do it in pointers.

    1. God is omniscient. All-knowing. It would very likely that His knowledge surpasses mere logic. Now, us mortal men are bound by the chains of logic, some are bound by the chains of insanity (which, I dare not tread upon). If this is the case, we will never be able to comprehend God in full. Unless..

    2. We are given the means to understand Him. A translation patch thingy, if you may. ^^ popularly known as
    The Bible. After all, these are his His Words.

    And so it all boils down to the authenticity of the Bible.
    Here is where the fine line between Faith and Science is.
  7. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Not sure if he can be killed......but,
  8. Datanotfound

    Datanotfound Well-Known Member

    I happen to live in the Southern United States and I'm a proud Atheist, thank you very much. Don't lump a certain group of people together, life follows a bell curve and someone will always fall outside of it.

    On the topic, I won't argue religion, there is no point to it. Everyone believes what they believe, and hardly anything anyone can say will change that. Unless you're just a total sheep and swayed easily.
  9. toonytiger

    toonytiger New Member

    you CANNOT kill GOD. and HE EXISTS to his followers. i cannot prove He exists it is my belief that makes me think He is REAL which He IS for US.
    it is merely by religion(or belief) if you think HE can be KILLED or not. the banishing of lucifer because of Gods fear of Him is wholly wrong
    you cannot kill God he is immortal we do not know what He looks like but for the bible to say He created us in His image we can assume His heavenly body looks human but is NOT human. my point short just a matter of beliefs people, in my experience here of forcing your beliefs on others is just like being a lvl 1 noob asking to borrow a lvl 99 account. we believe HE EXISTS and SOME DONT we cannot PROVE HE EXISTS(but we know) and YOU ALSO CANNOT PROVE HE DOESNT EXIST. this topic about religion and god and angels and demons heaven and hell is ENDLESS and i look forward to participating in future threads
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    There won't be any future threads on these subjects, they cause too much trouble.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Not just trouble, it even causes hatred within the forums :(

    Wait... toonytiger? WTH!?
  12. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    so this thread will soon be locked up because of arguments?

    yeah toonytiger to match up the loonytoons
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yes, that's why I disagree with religion but just don't post much in here anymore.
    It's more trouble than it's worth
  14. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    True. And the fact that no matter how much you place the truth in front of someone, they still "refuse" to see it.

    I understand standing by what you believe in, but being adamant in your beliefs and not being open-minded toward someone's opinion or at least respecting their opinion no matter how different it may be, is wherein all the problems lie. Have your opinions, but let others have theirs as well. Don't be an asshat in a debate and start the whole "I'm right and you're wrong" bullshit. No one benefits from that attitude, and the debate tends to grow stale and people get offended, and, like cj said above, people tend to quit participating in debate.
  15. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

  16. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Someone once said, "Too much religion and not enough love". I would like to add my own little bit to that; too much book and not enough understanding. Anyone who thinks a religion or a book can answer every question life poses invites scorn.
    I have looked back on most of the posts on this thread and (tell me if i am wrong) it would seem that the pro-God people are Christian and the anti-God people are reacting against Christianity. May i suggest that the people who are expressing the views of Christianity are actually expressing their own views of what they have been led to believe from a book. Also, to react against book believing zelots cannot mean that all people of religion are so ill-informed.

    Religion has become a touchy topic, it should not be that way, I blame fundemantalism. Frankly, I do not care what you believe or do not believe, but if you are a member of any religion you should at least do your homework before attempting to represent your religion. For those who do not believe you should have a little more sense than to be drawn into any argument where you are asked to prove a negative.

    On topic(at last) I posted before on this but I was vague, assuming you believe in, and actuallly understand(gnosis) God then you can kill God. God can be dead to you, but don't expect anyone else to realise it.

    @apophos I miss Carlin but he took the cheap route on that rant. He did what fundementalists do to religion, take it word for word.

    Allegory is not dead.
  17. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Completely off topic post follows:

    I agree and disagree with you prin. While it may have been the "cheap" route, he had a way of saying it so that some with an inhibited understanding of conceptual things, would be able to identify with it and understand it. But you do have to admit, at most times that man's words and wit were like a knife.....razor sharp and uncompromising. Bill Maher could, and probably should, take a lesson.

    He may have taken it word for word, but it was without the smoke and mirrors bullshit you get from evangelical type persons. I believe how I choose to believe, and others choose their own beliefs as well, I just wish that there could be a little less intolerance and a lot more compassion and caring for your fellow man in this world that people could realize that we don't "need" to place hope and faith in some mystical being above the clouds to be able to coexist with one another in a meaningful way. After all, aren't we all one race anyway? The human race. We may have different skin colors from each other, but that doesn't mean you are inferior to me or vise versa.

    Whoa! Sorry about that. I kinda went off on a rant there. I do agree with you in another point that you made. Religion has become a touchy issue, and it shouldn't be. I am fascinated to learn about someone else's religion, and how and why the believe the way that they do. Because after all, at the end of the day, who can say for sure who's right and who's wrong. Maybe no one's wrong, maybe we're all wrong.

    Allegory is not dead.....true......but I have no ulterior motive. I'm only interested in the truth.
  18. God can be killed, if you think he would get killed. if you don't then why bother?
  19. f-xkira

    f-xkira Member

    god can kill himself right? he is supposedly all powerful
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Can nothing kill itself? Same question here :p