Why is faith good? Why is believing something without evidence good? We are very rational with all other things, yet when reasoning on GOD, the crap never stops.. FAITH makes a virtue out of NOT THINKING!! GOD and the idea that he ever "existed" should die..
Here is my reasoning as to the existence of GOD. The existence of man. Out of every single species to live on the Earth, past and present, only man has had the capacity to do things no other species of creature on Earth has been capable of doing. If an animal gets sick, what would it do? What could it do? If you got sick, what would you do? What could you do? I just can't see how our "capacity" was derived from the randomness of some universal equation. The fact that I can even think in this manner separates me from all other species in the world. If there were species that had even 1/10 the capacity that we have, then I'd consider the alternative.
eat plants that make it better, which, ironically, is where humans learned about medicine hundreds of years ago. They watched what sick animals did.
that doesn't prove that there is a GOD.. we are all unique in one way or another, but that doesn't say anything about GOD giving us the "capacity" just because we've outlived species from before.. what IF, a plague hits the earth and we all die?? sounds more rational to me.. I get your point, but GOD can't be the reason.. here's a thought, it is through our "capacity" that ridiculous crap on GODS exist..
I think I'm starting to like you Pikouy You talk sense. I don't like you, you fail. The 'humans' just imitate, that's how we learn and we use what we learn to make slightly knew stuff which is then imitated and so on. We imitate creatures that have natural ability, we as a species are lacking in natural skills. And random factors can create anything, hence the word random. You seem to be one of those "Humans are superior, God exists, whine whine whine" kind of people. I may sound harsh but I have an irritation towards people like you
i've stayed away from this thread for a long time but then i saw this and had to inject some intelligence in this is a VERY silly way of looking at the world yes it is true to say that our species is different to others but that doesn't make use great in fact we are hopeless and useless animals have leaned to perfectly exist in their environment being specially designed to do what it is they do for example an eagle can see a mouse from very far away can you???? a shark can smell blood from very far away can you???? and so on NO you can't, we have evolved to be creative but as a side effect we have given up many attributes, our sight is very poor are hearing is very poor and as we have dexterity in our fingers we have forfeited strength. the human is not superior we are in fact one of the most ill equipped species to live on this planet and we fact are getting stupider now looking at it objectively "GOD" as the creator of the universe if we want to call it that could theoretically be a plausible thing if we are saying that there was some unknown power that sparked the universe in to its creation but the bibles idea of god and creation is proven to be wrong so many time. if you do have faith believe in god but stop being stupid and use that brain that "god gave you" and look at the world and ask questions about it.
^Above post is win And humans are degrading, so if this 'god' of yours exist then why would it have 'creations' that degrade?
Proven, or theorized? A lot of our discoveries of the unknown have always revolved around "theories" which are not flat-out truths, but only enough truth from what we currently comprehend. GOD is also a theory because no one really knows enough. Remember, people once believed the earth was square, and that the earth was the center of the universe. While I believe there is a GOD, until there is evidential proof and not theories of him not existing, then I will continue to believe he exists. Until more is known, we can only theorize, and a theory is just a nicer term for the word "guess".
You sound like a dog..tsktsk Is that the best way to use your "CAPACITY"?? That's just not thinking.. You blatantly establish and uphold ridiculous theories yet they're in fact theories?? You should learn how to treat theories from the people before, the fact that it's a theory (and a ridiculous theory i might add, with our current technology,unlike before, how the hell would they have known that the earth was round) , what DIFFERS you, from the people before then? waiting for a proof that a GOD exists, is DOUBTING that a GOD exists.. what evidential proof do you need? that's just plain silly..
again you obliviously don't know what a theory is. ALL scientific study's are called theories science does not claim truth!!! that would mean every thing about anything and that's just not possible, there are always more question and that is why its called a theory. gravity is still a theory but we can still see the effects, if i threw you down the stairs what will happen???? this shows there to be gravity but we don't know every thing about gravity so we still call it theory and actually evolution theory is the strongest theories of all. if you don't understand how the term theory is used then you need to ask more question. i won't call you stupid any more your just naive maybe i'm not explaining it to well watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wv6kgjOEL0&feature=channel at about 5 minutes ish it explains about scientific theory this explains it yet further http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGmLDKQp_Qc&feature=channel if you don't understand it i don't blame you for believing in god
Woof woof? Well, such topics are sensitive no matter how you look at them (haven't we gone offtopic on this anyways?). I admit that I can go a little overboard when religion comes into play. Things don't quite come out the way I'd like them to, and I'm sorry. It is one of the longest debates in human existence, and even with all the proof and observations mustered throughout time, for and against, it still keeps going like there's no tomorrow.
it is still going because that is the nature of religion, it is preached that it is truth and that you shouldn't ask question and that no matter what evidence there is against it you have to still believe regardless. it keeps people dumb and its not a debate, a debate would consist of two sides bringing knowledge and evidence to the table but all religion can do is twist words and do it with great stupidity, they ask for science to prove what it is saying and it does time and time again especially regarding evolution. then after religion looses greatly it reverts back to the saying "god has a plan" and despite all evidence against it they choose to ignore it and still preach the bible because its what their religion demands. the reason it still goes on is because as long as there is dumb, weak minded, gullible, easily led, emotionally week people and people who teach religion there will always be religion. the bible (new testament) is a very very very edited historical document regarding the teachings of Jesus, history shows Jesus to be a real man but again Christians ignore the parts of history that show blatant manipulation. Jesus was a leader and a teacher not the son of god read about his teachings and live a good life by all means but ask more questions and ask to the right people not those who will still mislead you. also its only an argument with Christians and Islam as they preach TRUTH other religions promote question and hope that you trust in god and its not going off subject because until it is established what god is then we don't know if it can be killed. if its a belief then it dies when you stop believing if its a real entity and does hold infinite power then there is nothing that could kill it if it a real entity that sparked the universe (not the biblical idea of god) that entity would be made of energy and we know you can't destroy energy, it can't be made or destroyed only transferred.
killing spree!! dominating!! mega kill!! unstoppable!! wicked sick!!! monster kill!! godlike!! beyond GODLIKE!!!! lol..
What's wrong with dogs?! Huh?! My dog is smarter than you and she's not a religious fool. Apperantly 'god' is everywhere according to christians, ooh i'm punching the air i'm beating up 'god' No such thing, and don't say everything is proof that 'god' exists and that Science's theory of how the universe was made needs to have something to start it off because what would start off your little story book character?
man with this sort of commenting you bring the rest of us down, your just as stupid bashing religion like you do as someone that preaches it. your just flaming. if you have something intelligent to bring to the conversation please do but if your going to flame people then just don't post cause you look more stupid then those that you are flaming
Now folks keep things nice & friendly, no need to harass other people. That is totally un-called for.
Who ever said that I'm religious?? You better read my posts before you say something.. "While I believe there is a GOD, until there is evidential proof and not theories of him not existing, then I will continue to believe he exists." (isn't that a dog's nature?) i am sorry..^^