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Can Dreams Be Symbolic?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Azoliem, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    dream are by product of your mind defragmenting and sorting information that you have collected during your awake... like NDE, it doesnt really mean anything....
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Cool, I have superpowers. I always thought I'd look good in lycra and a cape.
  3. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    My dreams are always just little things from that day strung together in a completely random sequence.
  4. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    That's about the first time I saw you give a straight answer. And holy crap, didn't knew you were good at psychoanalysis.

    Don't you already do that when you're awake? Perhaps it might be better if you don't treat a mind like a computer. IMO, dreams DO mean something.

    Dreams represent a persons desires or ambitions, thus, dreams symbolize their self: What they want, what they are, and how they think. However, dreams can never symbolize what will happen to your life.

    ...This. That happens to me often. One time, I was like, "Another day at school" then "How the fuck did I get to the mall" then, "HOLY SHIT, I GET TO BUY A NEW VIDEO GAME" then, after waking "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY NEW VIDEO GAME!? Oh right, shit, it was just a dream."
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    not really, your brain collect information, but it is raw, unsorted, when you asleep, only then the information get sorted... thats why children learn better when they are sleep and why people have trouble recalling stuff during lack of sleep.

    and also human brain is a biological computer....
  6. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    ...I don't really think that's how the brain works. But I think what you're referring to is hypnotism. When most of the brain's functions except for the ones needed for hypnotism and keeping the body alive are, say, "offline". People can use suggestion as a method of implanting information.

    Post Merge: [time]1315138298[/time]
    I don't recall my laptop wanting to hump on my phone.
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    one problem hypnotism doesnt really work, hypnotism only work when you allow it to work, in other word, hypnotism is just a placebo effect.

    i know because i personally experience hypnotism... back then during high school festivel, my school hire a magician to perform trick, and one of them is stage hypnotism.. he tried to turn me into a chicken.. it didnt work.. and the magician just said my will are too strong his magic didnt work and ask for other volunteer which it work.

    also you are confusing your phone with sentinal being... human brain is just the hardware not the software, and our conciseness is the OS for it to work. just like a PC, without a window or linux, it just a bunch of metal junk and wire.

    Persistent vegetative state is a condition when a brain lose its OS. it still function, but it just wont do anything just like a PC loses its OS..
  8. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    theres your answer
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Both calvin and furvus are right. Sleep is when your mind processes and catalogues new experiences and information, however this does not occur at the same level of sleep as dreaming. There are approximately 6 different levels of sleep that you will progress through several times a night, with REM sleep (when you dream) being the 5th level. One complete sleep cycle lasts 90 minutes, which is why you can wake up feeling completely refreshed in as little as three or four hours.
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Hey Tehuber, analyze this please

    I started off dreaming that I was with a friend (whose gender I can't recall) in a pyramid. We were walking when the floor started shaking and breaking apart. We ran out together, but when we exited it looked sort of like a cinema emergency exit. Then I jumped down and appeared in school with me and my friends getting ready for an excursion to the zoo. In the bus, everyone disappeared and I ended up in my room, reading letters. Then I appeared in the pyramid again and woke up.
  11. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Yeah, analyze this too.

    I was in some place with various people and everyone was playing a birthday game and I decided to read a book and just watch and read that some chick from Doctor Who had the same birthday as me (but the birthday the book said wasn't my birthday) and then I looked up and the chick from Doctor Who was there and I turned to say something to my mom and then I woke up.
  12. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Clearly, you are sexually frustrated. You need to go get sexed.
  13. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    This was a tough one so it took me a while. No guarantees on my accuracy.

    The pyramid is either a phallic symbol or a monument in perpetuam, so I'm guessing you're either anxious about your masculinity or your legacy. It's interesting that you can't recall your friend's gender, as that's usually one of the things we remember first. Gender is also an important indicator for many Jungian archetypes. Depending on which archetype it is, your escape of the pyramid with it will differ in meaning.

    Cinema and theatre represent duality, deception, fiction. In this case, it might refer to the façade you present to others. Maybe you think you act more manly or confident about your future than you really are.

    School obviously implies education and learning, but there are other nuances that will vary depending on your personal views on it. Zoos have captive animals on public display. Perhaps you feel like one of those animals at school? You act masculine or wise, but you feel trapped by this. Alternatively, it may mean that you wish to learn more about your true self so you can come to terms with your worries.

    The last bit is very subjective. What you use your room for will change what your dream means. For some, it's just a place to sleep; for others, a place to work; for me, it's a sanctuary, a safe haven free from the pressures of the world.

    As letters lack facial cues and vocal intonations we use in regular conversation, they imply emotional detachment. They are also very slow to arrive compared to other, more modern communications, which invokes a relationship with time - this idea will also be reinforced if you view letters as an old or outdated medium.

    So...perhaps you feel detached from your inner self? To quote Wikipedia on Freud, "It is said, however, that the ego seems to be more loyal to the id, preferring to gloss over the finer details of reality to minimize conflicts while pretending to have a regard for reality. But the super-ego is constantly watching every one of the ego's moves and punishes it with feelings of guilt, anxiety, and inferiority."

    Waaaay too vague. The only thing I can pick at here is the birthday theme, which ties into feelings of self-importance and existentialism.
  14. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    Wow, and I thought some of *my* dreams were weird!
    Well, here are two of my most recent weird dreams
    1) (this happened over summer) I was in a mix of the "real world" with parts of the Pokemon universe. First, I was playing piano at the street corner by my grandparents' old house. For some odd reason, I had my music taped to the window of a car instead of resting on the piano. Soon, the car started to go, and I began chasing the car to get back my music. Now, normally I don't have good stamina, but in the dream I must have, because of how much I might have been running. Anyways, I was following the car down the alley by my grandparents' old house. Next thing I know, I'm running in front of a familiar sort of warehouse store, but it's around 30+ miles away. There was a bit of a twist. Instead of running right along the road, I was running behind the houses across the street, almost in their back yards. Now there are no bodies of water nearby in reality, yet I was running through a rather wide river. All through the chase, I was hearing Officer Jenny giving me real time updates, yet I wasn't talking to her through anything. That's where my dream ended, so IDK if I ever got back my music.
    2)Probably one of the weirdest ones I've had: For some reason, I was in a type of competition between America (where I'm from), Italy, and Russia. We were all hangliding, but it was odd. I didn't get that good of a look at what I was gliding, and I got no glimpse of what Russia had, but the Italian person (I didn't get to see anyone's face) was riding a motor scooter that was in a huge sub sandwich. All I can remember about the sandwich was that it was big enough to contain the scooter, and it had some sort of meat sauce on the bottom, which was starting to break. It might have been a meatball sub. That's all I got to see, because that was near the end of my sleep (that's when all my dreams seem to be, right before I wake up, even when I don't know when I'm getting up), since my dad got me up because I had been asleep till 1p even after going to bed around 12a. If it's of any use-I've recently been having trouble staying asleep.