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Calling all persuasive people!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MasterofXD, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

  2. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member


    a CPU with a built in GPU is nothing more but something to assist the actual GPU, it should never be taken seriously as a proper sub for a gpu, sure you can run morrowind at max fps but expect nothing more.
  3. MasterofXD

    MasterofXD Well-Known Member

    Got a specs list then? what about the ones I put?
  4. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

    Assuming you're talking about your "backup research" parts list, it should do alright. Obviously you need a case and such, but I assume that's carrying over from the original parts list.

    EDIT: note that I would upgrade to a 700+W, a 650W should do you fine.
  5. MasterofXD

    MasterofXD Well-Known Member

    Umm nope. LOL. Can you PM me a parts list of what would run skyrim on high without going over my 800$ budget? My argument is also good right? should be good to go?
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Chances are you REALLY won't be able to do it for under 800 - there's so much stuff you need to get to be able to run it on high.

    A better target is to play on medium, you might be able to pull that off.
  7. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

    The parts you had that I was replying to should be fine for it.

    Unsure if you could run it on High, here are the sys reqs for it. I'd check the parts against it, but I really need to work on a term paper right now. I'm sure Suis will let you know soon.

    Argument should be fine, like I said they're your parents. Just grovel if you have to.
  8. MasterofXD

    MasterofXD Well-Known Member

    Got a video of the game on medium? Can you give me a specs list to play it on medium with minimal lag and stuff at a max of 800$? I need to tell them by friday ~.~
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately my expertise when it comes to buying shit from the US/Canada is very limited, so I'd be unlikely to find the better deals. I'm very good at cutting down existing lists, though.

    Off the top of my head?

    Drop the graphics card to a 460, or consider a 5770/6770 from ATi. You can get away with 6 GB of RAM on most systems, 8 is still considered overkill unless you run a media center. The PSU is great, by a good manufacturer - do not change it. Skimming just that should leave you with, oh, 50 bucks (I'm bad with US currency)? Enough to buy a 500GB HD. 1TB is unnecessary, you're 14. I had to live with 80GB HDs when I was your age. Use the case you've got for the moment. You might want a new monitor, but you're not gonna be able to afford one. Hope you own an LCD one already, because CRTs are awful in comparison.

    You can also drop the CPU down to a regular i5 2400 or 2310 to save a lot more. Might even be able to squeeze in a small LCD panel, maybe 19" with the remaining money.

    You might want to look for a new USB mouse/keyboard set, which should eat a small amount. A lot of motherboards are phasing out their PS/2 interfaces.

    You can do the research and run the numbers, as it's your PC and you can find out where to buy things better than I can. It won't be a powerhouse like Magoran's or to a lesser extent mine, but it should play most ultra-modern games on medium with no problems if you make the adjustments I'm recommending.

    EDIT: As for the video? I don't have any, I'm not an Elder Scrolls player, and you're not in a position to be picky with the graphics settings. They're not awful, though.
  10. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    hd5770 here, run skyrim flawlessly on High settings
  11. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Good to know, sysreqs obviously not as high as I first thought

  12. MasterofXD

    MasterofXD Well-Known Member

    So basically:
    Intel i5 2400K: Asus P8P68-V LX: approx. $220
    6GB DDR3 G-SKILL (4GBx2): approx. $50
    MSI Nvidia 460Ti:
    Antec TruePower TP-650W: approx. $66

    I dont need a new keyboard or mouse, I got a modern one, and my screen is 4 years old, but back in '07 it was really modern, so I'amn sticking with it. The case im using definitely needs to go. It's an old office computer case. so you cant make a list? Dang I really am desperate now =/

    Btw- how's the premade? can I just get that and it'll run skyrim on med?
  13. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    It's seriously just an upgraded oblivion engine, or fallout 3:NV engine at this stage. It's not that extreme of an upgrade
  14. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Awful. No point in buying a computer with great everything but a terrible GPU. Better to have a usable rig now that you can incrementally upgrade.

    But basically I recommend:
    Intel i5 2310/2400 (alternative: AMD Phenom II 955 Black Edition/965 Black Edition - requires alternate motherboard)
    Asus P8P68-V LX (alternative: Asus M4A88TD-M EVO/USB3 if using the AMD)
    6GB DDR3
    ATi Radeon 5770/6770 (whichever is cheaper)
    Antec TruePower TP-650W
    Case (your choice, really)
    500GB Seagate Barracuda INTERNAL HD (I'm serious, if you run it off an external I will hunt you down and hit you so hard your descendants will need physical rehabilitation)

    And keep some aside if your mouse isn't USB. This gives you a solid base rig which you can then continue to upgrade piece by piece as the need/mood strikes you. AMD will be cheaper, but perhaps a little less upgradeable in the long term. Your choice.
  15. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Wasn't this thread about persuading his parents to get him this PC?
  16. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Gotta figure out what he wants since he has no idea except "WANT SKYRIM ON HIGH ALSO REALLY REALLY CHEAP"

    'Course, I will say that the chances of him getting that compter are highly unlikely. I had to work a LOT before I got my own computer at that age, and it was already out-of-date by like two years.

    Oh yeah, and I had to buy it myself. My parents bought me shit-all.
  17. MasterofXD

    MasterofXD Well-Known Member

    Ouch. Brutal truth hurts. I dont mind if it's medium. Just wanna play skyrim decently.

    Edit: It matches the system "recommended" requirements on "can you run it", looks good =p
    Oh and can I find em on tigerdirect? I cant find the ASUSP8P by "copy/pasting" it. no results. Just wanna find the price to add em up

    and suis, I do wanna work for it, I want to negotiate so I'm planning to pay for 200$ of the total price by altar serving, community stuff, etc. I have ways of making money in my town during the winter
  18. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Is that what kids call it these days
  19. MasterofXD

    MasterofXD Well-Known Member

    That's what my priest calls it. Anyway suis, if you want something, yo uwork for it, and I wanna buy off some of it and the other stuff I mentioned, it's not alot, but I'am making an effort at least :-\.. Most people would just beg but I wanna at least work for some of it, it's not cheap, so I gotta pitch in.
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I have built one of these systems before, the llano GPU is highly impressive. it runs rift on medium at 1440x900. it is equivalent to a radeon HD6550 and can be crossfired with an actual 6550 for more graphics power.

    Littlekill's attitude is exactly the same as I had before I actually saw a llano with my own eyes.