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Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by DragonQuester, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. Thalinor

    Thalinor Active Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Here is some great life advice, and I mean it in a positive way: If you don't know, then don't pretend to. There is nothing to be ashamed about, we all can't know everything! For one, I am going on 30 and still spell worse than a 4th grader. My typing is not much better and yet, I have worked with computers for many years. If I do not know something, I ask or do research. I do not just state something as if I am an expert or knowledgeable on a subject, which I am not.

    As you stated above you did not know and did not read, just assumed. The comment that your argument is still valid because you were eseciantly ignorant does not hold water and shows your lack the maturity. It’s ok, we were all there once.

    As the saying goes; Assume… Make an "ass" out of "u" and "me". I only say this because the internet has become a place where opinions are so free, that it’s becoming a full time job to wade through the nonsense and BS.

    I would guess that English is a second language for you, so some of what you meant may be lost in translation. In any case, if English is a SECOND language, you are doing very well so keep up the great work. I for one cannot speak a second language and envy your ability. I have tried many times but my mind does not work in a way that is conducive to learning other languages. In the event that English is your PRIMARY language, well anyway lets get back on topic.

    I sent them an email about a week ago and the reply was they still waiting for Nintendo's stamp of approval. Once that happens, it goes to manufacturing, where they mass produce the game and send it to the stores.

    No excuse on the delay was given in the reply email.
    No official release date was given in the reply email.

    My guess is that they waited too long to get it to Nintendo and with so many games being released around the holiday's, things got backed up. Just my guess though, so don't quote me on that one.
  2. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Well I saw on the gamefaqs forums, that the official date seems to be Febuary for this game. Hopefully its true!
  3. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Looks official... but how many times have they said that lol :p
  4. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Regarding the WiFi play in CORE:

    According to the FAQ posted at the http://noway-studio.com/US/ site, it will not have online capability with the initial launch but might be added later on.

    The below text was typed from their site verbatim (copy-n-paste not an option).

    Question 3:
    CORE will feature four player multiplayer with one gamecard. Is the multiplayer mode one of the biggest features for this game? Will it also feature online gameplay? Why I as this? You will build in several multiplayer gamemodes: Deathmatch, Team Arena and Capture the Flag. CTF is best played with 3 or 4 players on each team. That’s the reason.

    There will about 8 different maps designed for them. Our multiplayer mode will give the possibility to play with few friends using one card. The worlds and maps designed for multiplayer will not be aligned with the story of the game. Since we aim to give our players best advance gaming experience many of them will have special features like rocket jumps or jump-pads. We do not play to include online gameplay at the first launch. We will make this decision together with publisher after first round of promotion.

    I sure hope they reconsider that......
  5. Thalinor

    Thalinor Active Member

    Re: CORE DS

    I saw this too. I am really confused. How do they "add it" later? I thought you could not update NDS Game Cards? Harvest Moon had an update to fix major glitches (US version 1 & 1.1) I owned a hard copy of this game and ended up selling it back to gamestop because I had one of the glitched game cards and was told it could not be fixed.

    "To find out what US version a particular cartridge is, look at the serial number on the back of the cartridge. The glitched game has ABCEN0J13, ABCEN2413 or ABCEN0J12 written on the back. The corrected versions have either ABCEN1J09, ABCEN1J01, ABCEU456 or later on the back."


    So... Do they really expect people to pay for this game w/o wi-fi, and then add it later? Do they think people will pay for it twice? Total BS.
  6. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    I agree - it doesn't make sense to say it will be added it later. I think they are saying that so people don't abandon their game before it is released. I think they are feeling the pressure and had to say something. Telling us it will be added later is better than "opps, we totally forgot about that - wait, give me a minute...."
  7. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    I know how they would do it. You'll be able to buy a GBA cartridge with Wi-Fi on it. Later releases will have built-in.
  8. Raven_Guild_Master

    Raven_Guild_Master New Member

    Re: CORE DS

    As far as today (jan 9th-2009) it hasn't come out yet or nobody wants to review it. On IGN said that the game would release on dec 26th, but no notice apart from it
  9. jyeotoole

    jyeotoole Member

    Re: CORE DS

    *coucgh cough* BRAWL!!! They changed the date so many times...
  10. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    but its out now, now were bitching about C.O.R.E so stop trying to change the subject

  11. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    I think by adding wifi they mean makiing core 2 or something
  12. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    I don't know about ver 1 or ver 2 but I just played MOON for the last couple hours and have to say that CORE has a lot of ground to make up if it wants to have any kind of following. After delaying the release 700 times, not baking WiFi into initial release and then having Moon come out first it better give people orgasms.
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Re: CORE DS

    1- Okay...
    2- WTF man?!
    3- Lol
  14. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Sorry - was in a mood. I am sure CORE will be great too and I can't wait for it either.
  15. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Re: CORE DS

    I think you have a point though, moon looks better than core from the videos I have seen.
  16. regular_gamer

    regular_gamer Active Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Wow, that was quick.

  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Re: CORE DS

    Naw, it's funny
  18. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    So does that mean you think Core looks horrible as well? :p
  19. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Everyones talking about moon so like, Ima download it now.

    but still, nintendo are taking there time to Stamp Approve C.O.R.E. i wanna play it because it looks like Quake 2
  20. hello_hello

    hello_hello New Member

    Re: CORE DS

    moon is better than core