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Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by DragonQuester, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Re: CORE DS


    That makes sense, but oh well
  2. azmi_mumin

    azmi_mumin Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Please give the developer more time...

    Rushing in finishing the game just to meet the publisher's release date will just make us end-users with a half-baked game.

    Remember that DQ9 is also delayed a couple of times until it was given a permanent date for a Japan release next year's March.

    Of course, unless we're talking about Duke Nukem Forever...
  3. Thalinor

    Thalinor Active Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Black Sigil: Blade Of the Exiled
    This item will be now be released on February 24, 2009.

    Another game pushed back three or more times by this Co. WTF? Can they at least get one game out on time? How about 6 months late? No, they are going to be close to a year late by the time it is in out hands.

    More time? CORE IS DONE. Look at the web site. "CORE has gone gold." What are they waiting for?

    As for Black Sigil, who the hell knows. The game has been "Coming Soon. TBA 2008" on their website for a long time. Several online retail stores have pushed back the release date three times this month alone from the 12th, to the 16th and then 22nd. Now they all say February 24, 2009. The original release was set for March 2008! Come on now. There is refining/bug fixing and then there is total BS.

    I don't know what the hell is going on with game makers but not one can get a game out on time. Don't set release dates you can not keep.

    EDIT: http://www.graffitientertainment.com/index.php/games/black-sigil

    Look at these graphics. Its not like they took the extra time to refine the way the game looks. The graphics look like RPG's released for the DS over a year and a half ago! People who say the DS can not shell out games with some good looking graphics need to look at some recent releases. The problem is THIS game has been pushed back for so long that the graphics were ok for the time but are now outdated. This is what happens when you push games back for close to a year. Who wants to buy somethign that is outdated even before its released!
  4. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    holy crap seriosuly, i thought black sigil had a chance to be released from these damn people! ARGHH, both look so cool ,yet Graffiti Entertainment has to be all gay with delaying all the games they make!!

    PLUS Black Sigil kind of reminds me of Chrono Trigger, which excited me even MORE!!
  5. azmi_mumin

    azmi_mumin Member

    Re: CORE DS

    C.O.R.E. isn't DONE. If it's done, then enlight me on why would NoWay Studio push back the game release until next year's 1st quarter fiscal? For some yippe-kay-yay fun?

    The game might gone gold and if you're one of them who pre-ordered it to push up its sales status, you can always get back your money from your local mart or game shop if you're unhappy with it.

    Other than that, constant delays signifies that the developer is not satisfied with its current content and needed more time to polish the game up. Half-Life 2 was the same and look what was the final outcome... 2004's Game of the Year.
  6. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    If Black Sigil and this were to be already in ROMs, i'd be really happy and my DS wouldnt be needing many other games for like another 6 months :p lol, i just hope february comes fast and those guys dont change the release date AGAIN for like the third time
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Re: CORE DS

    So gay means delayant?
  8. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Well i didn't mean it that way :p lol I'm just saying all these release dates changing makes it seem gay (not in a homosexual way) I'm just saying that the developers should have just sticked to one release date so the people who want the game wont be disappointed.
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Re: CORE DS

    Gay has two meanings: Homosexual or Jolly/Happy
    You would be better off using stupid as to not insult people, and no I am not gay, just read the debate about gay marriage...
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: CORE DS

    The latter meaning is the original meaning and seems not to be used any more.
  11. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    haha we are talking about the definition gay :D lol but still lets stay on topic :p

    i was looking forward to both of the games, but ever since the dates have changed, so has my mood for playing them
  12. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    ive been playing call of duty wifi for so long now, i forgot about this game a long time ago.
  13. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    well call of duty can replace it for the time being
  14. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    yes sir!
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Re: CORE DS

    I've checked Black Sigil screenshots and indeed it has the same battle system as chrono trigger ^_^
  16. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    yep, i told you :p lol
    thats one of the reasons i want to play it but we all just have to be patient for february.
  17. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    I hate waiting...
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Re: CORE DS

    I wonder if the delay is for legal reasons...
  19. Thalinor

    Thalinor Active Member

    Re: CORE DS

    Reguarding Black Sig.

    It is said to have some great plot too, like real in depth Final Fantasy 7 stuff. I just wish they had refined the graphics more. There are GBA games with better graphics! I hope it turns out to be as good as people say it will.

    As I have gotten older (now pushing 30) I find it harder and harder to get into games. I really need that visual aspect and realism to enjoy a RPG. It sounds screwed up but when playing Oblivion, I am one of those people who will take my character back to her in game home, before turning off the Xbox-360. I did the same thing in Fallout III, just about every time I would shut the system down, back to megaton!

    What I would love to see in a DS RPG game:

    Great graphics
    Full seasons, with environmental changes
    Day/night cycle
    Great plot with open ended [non-linier] game play
    Great env sound & music.
    Lots of side quests.
    Full character customization including age, sex, race, custom name [more than 4 characters!], custom character looks, etc.
    Multiplayer via wi-fi.

    The game needs to be at least 14+ rated [violence, alcohol, and sexually suggestive themes.]

    I am a real fan of random generated world changing events too. If a game is truly non-linier, what does it matter if a random flood destroys a town? So you loose a few side quests; so you now have to think "What do I do now, the main plot took me here but its not here!". A game should not spoon feed you where to go next. The random events could be as simple as a fire at the local Inn, or an outbreak of a plague in town XYZ for the winter season. Anything to make the game world more believable and less generic.

    I don't know, I guess I want too much out of my games.

    LOOK ON THEIR WEBSITE. DIRECT QUOTE: "Core has gone gold. Going gold is the term used in the video game industry when all of the testing and functionality of the game has been completed and approved for manufacturing."

    Source: http://noway-studio.com/US/

    I hate when people post BS. Do the research BEFORE you post!

    The game is done.

    So in your own words... yippe-kay-yay to YOU.

    lol : )

    And just in case that slap in the face was not enough for ya...

    "The expression that a software product "has gone live" means that the code has been completed and is ready for distribution. Other terms for the live version include: live master, live release, or live build. In some areas of software development the live release is referred to as a gold release; this seems to be confined mainly to game software."

    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Release_to_manufacturing#RTM_or_RTW

    As you can tell, I am the only one in the building at work and bored!
  20. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: CORE DS

    To be honest, i dont even know if this game is worthy of the times it has been delayant.. Like seriously, do you really think they will actaully take that time to put better effort into the game? I dont think so. They could have just easily released the game WAYY earlier, but NO! They had to delay it to make it more fun and playable.. We'll just have to see if waiting for all of this is bull or not.