yeah same here, I already got bored of it now that Im playing with my new GBA expansion pack, and I just got my n5 yesterday so no more freezing.. CORE really did disapoint me
I think about C.O.R.E as a multiplayer-game's main feature. It looks very similar to quake with lesser quality on graphics. Single player is somewhat just a bonus to the game. That's how i think the creator was making.
the enemies' bullets is really hard to dodge while you're killing them, its just too fast.. Unlike in moon that the bullets really is big that you can see it and can dodge easily
you normally can't dodge bullets, but the problem here is that the health is bar, meaning it doesn't rejuvenates, and the amount of health kits are just too low
I've been on the first level since the game came out... I probably would have forced myself to play it if I actually paid for it...
After playing some multiplayer (single card obviously) with some friends, I've gotta say the multiplayer is where this game shines. It's a damn pity they didn't make this game Wifi compatible. The game play is very fast paced and in-your-face in CORE's multiplayer; much faster and more fun than single player. If you guys have any friends and some extra DSes, /please/ give it a try. It's awesome. That said, I still prefer the (relative) depth of Metroid Prime Hunters despite the lack of balance.
yeah I think the game's good part is the multiplayer, it just added the fun the fact that you're friends are killing each other..