Yes. I am not a vain person, by a long shot, and I know my flaws, but if people point out that say... I have a receding hairline (thanks genetics!), I just shrug it off, because I already came to terms with the fact I will be bald, guaranteed, so having something pointed out, well... Why worry? If people learned to actually like themselves and accept themselves there would be no such thing as bullying, via the medium of words, it would just be banter.
I guess i used to fall into the "Just-Because" complex. There was really no insecure reasons behind it, maybe it was peer pressure? I don't understand why i did it myself, like i said at the time it felt like harmless fun, but back then i had no idea how upset some people get by this kinda thing.
heh...pokemon is really crap... and he is also a pussy for trying to kill himself... grow some balls and stand up... if i was him i would just ignore but if they persisted i would fucking beat the fuck out of them (doesn't matter how tough they are when that much hate builds up it's like a freaking limit break it will pwn) one of my friends is a bully...but i pity him cause he's really stupid...i get to understand why people's cause they don't understand...
If my friend turned into a bully, I would try to reason with him and if not, I hate to say it... I would fight him and leave him a bloody mess on the floor, because I hate them, and I'm older and I can now fight back.
Woah thare... I still enjoy a good round, and I'm 22! I just don't care what other's think, it's a game, heck i still watch playschool when I'm bored XD But what kind of bullying are we talking about here, it must be ether extreme or he couldn't take it... THat said, I'm a by product of bullying, I've become hot tempered rather than the scared quiet guy because of what I've been dealt with, I tend to get destructive when things don't go my way and...on the odd occasion I bully myself (which is why I isolated myself-it's a tad tempting). And in my final few years of school (or high school I should say) I was throwing chairs around active class rooms simply because i was laughed at because my veiws made no sence...or the fact I was and still am...a teacher's pet, they laughed harder because i would always miss because I simply can't aim when I'm THIS mad. I've become anti social in real life and stuck to being online where txt just doesn't matter, but as some of you know I still flare up, I've lost a lot of respect for those around me in which I once gave respect to before because i felt they could have helped me more back in those times... It depends on the group, this might be a group where all geekish tendancies are withdrawn/held back. I know in my group I'm still a kid despite the fact that i not only own them in golden eye, but I can actually play and (GASP) understand resident evil's...well everything (they can't even control the older games-tanks controls XD). It's because they are games That logic is the result of a "grade A" student stabbing a bully in a toilet block in his school here in Australia recently. 12-13yr's...damn...not sure what over but seeing as the so called grade A kid did the stabbing then I suppose we can see the circle of hate grow...
Wait what? If you can't reason with a friend that's picking on you, you'd beat him up? That's not morally conscience, that's immaturity.
Back then, when I was a little kid and emotionally numbed, I was bullied a lot. I don't know, I guess it was because I was so quiet, and always kept to myself, and always read, and stuff like that. But being so numbed to everything that pertained to human social interaction, I never actually noticed I was bullied. It's only in hindsight, that... It's a bit sad, but at the very least I wasn't too sad as a result. Not all bullies are cowards. Some are pretty bold, and full of themselves. And yet I never saw it, until after a few years later on. There are things I could've done, should've done back then... People were being harassed in front of me but I never saw it. I wonder about them, whether they're all right now. I wish I could've done something, but I can't change the past, at least not now. Then, when I was ten, I understood I was being bullied. Man, did that open a can of worms. On one hand, I wanted to kill them. But on the other hand, I didn't want to hurt anyone. Ending a life, ending a life so suddenly, even if the person alive isn't worth anything... That frightened me a lot. I didn't want to hurt anyone, causing pain like. But I hated them. How could they ause pain to others to consciously and willingly? You should've seen all these intricate plans I came up with. Or, maybe not. It's easier for a bully to pick on someone alone and isolated. In a group, it's not so easy. And most bullies don't like to pick on someone with a healthy dose of self-confidence, unless they're REALLY self-confident. Being friends with that guy who likes Pokémon might really do to increase his sense of self-worth, yeah?
really i get fucking bully for playing computer games XD but i still have friends really a few other kids must like pokemon
someone tried to bully me 1st day at a new school so i broke his arm, next 3 years nobody said a word for some reason....
I agree with beating up bullys, but there is two problems with that at my school: 1.If I beat up every bully almost everyone would be in the ER 2.At our school they are really tight on hurting people, you break someones nose and they suspend you.