I tried many times to download this game but it would not download. Could be just a busy server though. http://www2.romulation.net/fetch/21618/ODI1MTEzMDY1MDQ3NjQ1NTQxMg==/
No one can view that link since it's your personal link, please paste the link to the game info page.
I don't know why but I have to keep downloading the PSX iso's twice before they actually download. I am losing valuable points I paid for because I have to keep trying to re-download!
I am using firefox to browse and download. I have a broadband connection that downloads about 60kbs. My computer is running windows vista, dual-core, with 3 MB of RAM, and 300 GB hard drive.
That's irrelevant though, so you use firefox? you don't use a download manager? It should be impossible for a download to count twice unless the two requests are sent simultaneously.