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Brawl in General

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Bob_Kill123, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    then play like me and use a "classic controller"
    All of brawls chars ARE different when you play as them (examples: my main is toon link and I'm almost invincible, but if I use normal link i get PWNED because of the small changes, same with wolf, good at using him, but hand me fox and down I go)
    Jjigglypuff got nerfed, it was ironically the best character in melee.
    Ganondorf... I don't see the point, hes a weaker/slower/uglier version of CF, there aren't any good points about him at all :S
  2. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    that's why me and my guys play it with no smash balls

    on another note, the Pokeballs seemed rather pathetic in Brawl for the most part. but i guess that's cause they were overpowered in Melee
  3. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    like this guy purhaps
  4. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    eheheh he's good only if you manage to throw him at someone. but his range is like nothing, you practically have to be next to the target for it to work
  5. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    i find the hammer head more useful ;D
  6. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    I hear that japan is releasing smash bros 64 on virtual console.

    So i am looking forward to playing on the BEST stages ever when they release the English version
  7. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    And while you wait I'll dust off the 64, call some mates and let the pixels fly.
  8. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    been there, done that. the Wii was occupied at my friend's place so us two went upstairs to play some old school smash
    funny how the 64 version stands the test of time so well
  9. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    I own all 3 smash games and still play them all.
    The reason i cant wait for the VC version is so i don't have to put up with the 64s control stick ::)........
  10. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    the 64 version was the first time I've ever heard of the god known as Captain Falcon.
  11. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    well some people dont like final smashes but they are usually quite fair some examples of un fair ones

    falco- lasts too long and is easy to kill with espetially with how good falco is anyway
    snake- pwerful and long lasting and snake is good without it
    there are probably more but none come to mind
  12. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    i find Snake's final easy to dodge if you time air dodges correctly. except i can't yet eheheh....
    and you want cheap? i find Samus's zero laser just rigged. at least Zero Suit Samus isn't TOO too great in terms of fighting
  13. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    your forgetting sonics lasts FOREVER.
  14. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    yea i agree. sonics final smash is TOO powerful. even my 3 year old cousin could just move the analog back and forth while watching sonic KO some ppl...
  15. 88stumpy88

    88stumpy88 Active Member

    Damn that hog to hell let him die in peace.
  16. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    when you think REALLY hard about it the FSs are actually balanced quite well.
    people only ever think of the smash itself when balancing, but the majority of them actually represent how hard it is to OBTAIN the smash ball.
    It is very difficult for sonic to get the FS because the majority of his attacks are "hit'n'run" thus meaning he has to go back to the ball several times.
    Meanwhile link can get the ball in a single down-A attack, but his actual FS has nearly no range to it.

    and Sonics FS is just as strong as Pikachu's, except Pika's is harder to dodge (people need to learn about dodges...)

    Incredibly powerful... provided he actually manages to hit anyone...
  17. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    when i listed off the unfair smashes i was not saying that they are the most powerful i was saying that they are far too powerful to be associated with a charecter that is powerful enough as it is

    also you are wrong pikachu's final is more difficult to control and less powerful than sonic's

    but you seen to get some of the consept that finals ballence out the weak charecters with a power final and vise versa

    i am not, sonic is not a powerful charecter his final is there to ballance him out
  18. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    But when he was my main I was pretty good with him, I just got a little tired of taking 50+ hits to do what most chars do in 12 or so.

    Man sonic is impossible to hit when used right :p
  19. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    no kidding

    but i fail to see how Ollimar's final is supposed to balance him. i mean, the damage is not blockable, when he crashes back you probably fly off the screen if you get hit, if not you still took a bunch of damage, and pro ollimar users are just... O______O
  20. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    Well apparently, you can basically say that all the characters can by impossible to hit when used right =P

    But yeah I get your meaning..... haha but the thing is that there are not many pro sonic players around.