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Blue Dragon Awakened Shadow

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Znood, May 21, 2010.

  1. LucioRevolet

    LucioRevolet Member

    it's working well. . but don't know about the saving yet. . . at least I can customize my character and play a little. . I'm using EDGE v1.10. .

    thanks for the one who upload it
  2. Samik13

    Samik13 Member

    the patched version(or cracked if you like)
  3. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Ok then thanks.
  4. panzerghost

    panzerghost New Member

    its working for me too but in the market end of the town its really slow.is that happening to anyone else.
  5. Samik13

    Samik13 Member

    the game is quite slow even with fast card...but it isnt that bad
  6. Dark Dream ZX

    Dark Dream ZX New Member

    Hi all
    anyone know if the Cyclods is being work'ed on so to use this as i loved blue dragon plus and hopeing this will also be as good if not beter hope to hear
  7. LucioRevolet

    LucioRevolet Member

    I think it's fine to me. . I'm using EDGE v1.10. . But I'm just starting the game and still inside the castle. . I don't think I've found any problem. .
  8. rockerzz182

    rockerzz182 Well-Known Member

    The One I downloaded From Mediafire And Megaupload Works Perfectly in my r4Ge..Without Having Problem on Save..=D..thanx venom for the cracked rom and the one that upload the rom..
  9. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    works with this: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M4RB8RGI

    i got a cyclo and the game is awesome
  10. stepanofff

    stepanofff New Member

    R4 wood 1.07 save OK.file from lcleong posts.TY
  11. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    Thats great ill dload it as well, Im using Edge 1.10 aswell. Is there any problems with saving? Or its all fine?
  12. izzywizzy2009

    izzywizzy2009 Member

    Thanks guys, 3rd time lucky and holding the x button when loading has solved the 'save' issue - (ackard2i 1.6)
  13. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    That's cool.
    Awesome then
  14. 48511

    48511 Member

    I just tested the patched ROM and it seems to work on R4DS (1.18 firmware), including saving and loading. Thanks to those who patched it!
  15. Bedjoe92

    Bedjoe92 Member

    i downloaded the one from mediafire, played it in my edge v 1.10 and it worked!
    Not so smooth though, sometimes after cutscene it freezes at black screen...
    But since it rarely happens, I guess we can rule out that problem.
    Thanks anyway for whoever uploaded it!
  16. teslah

    teslah New Member

    Thanks dude, it runs pretty well on my supercard mini sd.
    Not played too long though but it seems fine with gameplay and save data.
  17. Samik13

    Samik13 Member

    i was trying for about an hour to get it work trying diiferent tricks but i have figured it out so enjoy it guys :D
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    The game has bean pre-patched , Wheres is the patcher ?
  19. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    So when exactly do I start holding X?
  20. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    As soon as you select the game and the Loading screen appears.