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Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow[U] Official Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by meganova, May 16, 2010.

  1. MohsinMVP

    MohsinMVP Well-Known Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010)

    Is Blue Dragon a good RPG game? Like is it good as final fantasy or dragon quest?
  2. 48511

    48511 Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010)

    I can confirm the US ROM has an anti-piracy protection. You can start it, but clicking New Game at the main menu doesn't do anything.

    edit: I'm running it on an original R4DS.
  3. tamorak

    tamorak Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    First Screenie is me at the save point


    Second is the configuration I have on it


    Oh and I'm using 2.6a I always forget the a at the end of it, so maybe that's what's making the difference?

    Edit: If needed, I can upload my initial save-file here. The only real issue people might have is the character appearance/voice and the name.
    Double Edit: I'm actually leaving for a while, so heres a initial save file at the first save of the game for people that want to just jump there. Not a whole lot of story-line is missed and in theory you can use this to test to see if the only AP on it is the creation screen. If mods want to move this over to tech support or something like that, that's fine.

  4. pjotr2000

    pjotr2000 New Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    strange,i'm using the same configuration but I can't get past the new game screen. It makes a sound like i'm clicking but won't proceed. I'm using no$zoomer2.3.0.2 that's the latest right.
    Could you upload that savefile?
  5. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    This is not the forum to discuss issues with getting the game to run, please use the Technical Help section.
  6. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    Look at some trailers on youtube.
    It is based on the touch screen. Unlike Final Fantasy
  7. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    From what I saw in the trailer, it seems to play a lot like FF: Crystal Chronicles, correct me if I'm wrong
  8. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    Yeah It is like FFCC
  9. kiyo8989

    kiyo8989 Active Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    but with added touch screen control
  10. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    FFCC is much better than Blue Dragon
  11. vecete

    vecete Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    Yes!! it is finally out! currently downloading the pre-patched. thanks Venom!
  12. Rod182

    Rod182 Well-Known Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    A quick question: can someone confirm me if this game's music is taken directly from the music of the original Blue Dragon on the 360? Sorta like FFXII: Revenant Wings has all its score from the original FFXII...
  13. vecete

    vecete Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    sorry i can't help you out with your question, i've never played the one for 360.
    but the things i can say about this game so far is first: IT's AWESOME.
    the character customization at the beginning wasn't like what i had been expecting but it did well enough to not dissapoint me.
    the item combining feature (to make new and even stronger items) took home my pot of gold.
    and of course the great monster designs.
    just too bad you can't save anywhere you like though.
    it's a bit of a hassle to go back and forth to a floating cube to save.
    but even that can't stop me from loving this game.
  14. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    It would of been better if you of saved anywhere.
  15. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    I hate it...
  16. kyranasa

    kyranasa Well-Known Member

    Re: Blue Dragon : Awakened Shadow (18th May, 2010 : Available for Download)

    anybody beat torippo 000 yet? i can't beat him
  17. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    It's a good game, if it comes to Europe. I'll buy it.
  18. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Just level up.
  19. deneel

    deneel Well-Known Member

    ;-; i am stuck at the ancient dreams quest,pendant (quest on the element cube) i have found the pendant i completed the dungeon but i still haven't complete it D+ help please
  20. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Kinda like this game
    Hopefully the wifi will be nice