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Bleach or Naruto

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by clyffe28, Apr 28, 2008.


Bleach or Naruto

  1. Bleach

    0 vote(s)
  2. Naruto

    0 vote(s)
  1. razielleonhart

    razielleonhart Well-Known Member

    both for me Bleach has sword play and Naruto has ninjas
  2. iLucky4Lif3

    iLucky4Lif3 Member

    Bleach story are basically repeated over and over again, right now in the comics the hero are fighting on top of the city, and each fight always begins with all the captain, and 2nd seat captain losing cuz they didnt want to show their true power, that's what basically happen in all of the fight. It's really boring afterward, unlike naruto, they keep thing fresh. I only dislike the filler arc from naruto, but now there's barely any flaw to it
  3. I used to watch naruto but i don't anymore I only play the games,
    Bleach is 10 times better though I'm not saying anything bad about Naruto its just Bleach is my #1 favorite anime always has been and always will be.
    Don't quote this if all you're going to do is talk $#!t about bleach.
  4. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Naruto for the fantastic storyline, Bleach for the FIGHTING!!!

    Chire, Senbonzakura.
    Chire, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi
    Senkei Senbonzakura Kageyoshi
    Shukei Hakuteiken

    Haha Byakuya and Toshiro RULE!!! I HATE SASUKE-CHAN!!!!
  5. dark.faerie

    dark.faerie Well-Known Member

    ditto, apart from it being my number 1 favourite.



    WOOO agreed! XD
  6. khaislash

    khaislash Well-Known Member

    Still with Bleach. . . hmm or maybe Naruto?? RAWWR! No! Definitely Bleach! Even though Bleach has more fillers than Naruto. Still love it.
  7. killacrazy2

    killacrazy2 Member

    I like Naruto Better,but Bleach is still good
  8. hazzar14

    hazzar14 New Member

    BLEACH RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    end of story full stop.
    (though i have to admit that naruto is bloody awsome too..... )

  9. sasukedude

    sasukedude Member

    believe itttttttttttttttttttttttttt
  10. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    im glad they dropped that ''BELIIEVE IT!" crap that was the most annoying part of naruto
  11. Winterknight35

    Winterknight35 New Member

    i like bleach better.
  12. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    naruto sucks compared to bleach believe it! i cant believe i just said that
  13. jackblaze

    jackblaze Well-Known Member

    naruto definetly because of the intense storyline and the fighting is decent *compared to bleach*
    in bleach the fight a group of people win then fight another group of people then another then another it just gets boring.
    in naruto every thing has something to do with something
  14. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    naruto is mostly fillers which are mostly boring but bleach is never boring in my opinion. *going to kill self for saying believe it*
  15. riksa90

    riksa90 Well-Known Member

    I don't know how many times this is posted already, but heck with it; One Piece pwns them both. :D
    It is so much better in every aspect of story telling, only thing that maybe is behind naruto and bleach is the drawings, and that depends a lot on persons taste. OP drawings aren't bad, it just the style Oda chooses to use. And I love the originality in his style ^^

    About Naruto vs. Bleach, even 'till end of 1st saga, after that, Naruto owns in story, Bleach in characters and other drwaing things..
  16. lancelot64

    lancelot64 Member

  17. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    i sort of agree with riksa90 one piece is good but i still think bleach is better: 1st Bleach 2nd one piece 3rd naruto
  18. chaospker98

    chaospker98 New Member

    I'd have to go with Bleach. I've seen all of the Naruto eps, most of the Shippuden eps and I'm always w8ing for the next bleach sub to come out. I've noticed that in Naruto for the fights they stand there talking for like a whole episode. However in Bleach, they get down to the point and start fighting! Just think about it real life wise, Scenario: You're in a fight, you stand there staring at the other guy (LOTS OF DRAMA) does he wait for you? NO! He'd beat you to a pulp! *end scenario. So Bleach has more action and Naruto has more drama. That's why I went with Bleach
  19. SoulChain

    SoulChain Member

    I think that both of the are good animes but if I had to choose I will choose Bleach. Bleach is more grown up in my opinion while Naruto/Shippuuden is pretty teenage years

    Bleach if i had to choose
  20. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    the naruto games r booooorrrrrriiiiiing