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Bleach or Naruto

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by clyffe28, Apr 28, 2008.


Bleach or Naruto

  1. Bleach

    0 vote(s)
  2. Naruto

    0 vote(s)
  1. kumakuro

    kumakuro New Member

    I think Naruto is better than Bleach in anime... But if you asked manga, Bleach is number one!
  2. dark.faerie

    dark.faerie Well-Known Member

    well i like both, but if i had to choose between the two, I'd have to go with Bleach.

    The only thing i hate about it, is that the first 5 minutes of each episode is explaining what happened in the last episode (when you've watched at least 20 episodes in a row, that gets annoying, lol)
  3. arthur z

    arthur z New Member

    Hmm... Bleach is better ;D . I think Naruto become popular just because everyone like Japanese Ninja.
  4. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Both. Although, I still like Naruto better. The characters are more lovable. In terms of cool, its Bleach.
  5. crazymagic

    crazymagic New Member

    Bleach = Naruto

    They are both entertaining at the same levels.

    Also, new episodes come out every week(depending on the subber; holidays, College test, etc.)

    So in my opinion, i watch both of them every week and they are both pretty good.
  6. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    YES!!! Both are great.
  7. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    stfu! bleach is better even though i watch both. blech is way funnier and the action is great though i hate the fillers aseveryone does.
  8. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    the bleach games pwn naruto aswell
  9. neosarcs

    neosarcs Member

    Naruto has tons of episodes but most of them are annoying fillers and drag it on. Naruto also gets boring 130 episodes in.
    Bleach has a better storyline and also has more relatable characters. The fights in Bleach are also a lot more epic than the ones in Naruto
  10. vincent_val3ntine

    vincent_val3ntine Active Member

    Bleach Is better than Naruto!
  11. Tubenz

    Tubenz Member

    Theres tons of better anime than these two, but if I would have to choose between them, I would go with Bleach, beacause its deeper and targeted to older audience.
  12. mizakiwa

    mizakiwa New Member

    I like both, but Naruto has a lot of weird fillers.
    They're both interesting!
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Sailor Moon is better then both of them, but i like bleech better then naruto....
  14. MrManga

    MrManga New Member

    I think Naruto is better. I agree the Anime is aimed at kids but the original manga contains much more adult content!
  15. Artifactor

    Artifactor Member

    well, bleach is better since it has a storyline that last throughout the entire series, but naruto right now is just irreverent filler and needs to get to shippuudden in US anime
  16. Necri

    Necri Active Member

    I gave up watching Bleach so i then moved onto Naruto, still addicted to it hehe.
  17. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    viz is streaming naruto shippuden to the us in January on naruto.com, no news on what they are doing with the dubbed version thou
  18. zinectics

    zinectics Well-Known Member

    bleach or me.. o dont like naruto... becaise of the damn fillers
  19. crispy_chaney

    crispy_chaney New Member

    hiya :)
    i would have to most definitely say bleach, i dont know why but naruto never really appealed to me. though i think the animation style has taken a hammering recently the story has finally picked back up again :)
  20. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member