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best slot 1 device?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by massiveattack, Mar 23, 2008.

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  1. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    That's called High Capacity.
  2. best one right now is acekard RPG or acekard 2 but for fast loading game dstt is the best. People who think R4 is the best its not because others upgrade. And never get n5 it blows fuses
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    N5 is a clone of R4, and it bricks your DS. It even uses the same firmware as R4. Best to get a Cyclo.
  4. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    my r4 works fine for me but i have heard 1.18 is the last firmware you can get without bricking your ds if your r4 turns out to be fake. also there is apparently no way to tell if you bought a fake r4
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    There's a few things, like sticker and label differences etc.
  6. captainbitter

    captainbitter Well-Known Member

    For pure simplicity, go with CycloDS. It just works. Since I've had it, the only game that didn't work on it was Star Wars: Clone Wars, and that was fixed by new firmware that came out within a week. Cyclo has an ingame text reader, a simple and good-looking design, and excellent support.

    The proof is in the pudding. Browse help topics, and only once in a great while will you find one about CycloDS. Plus, you never have to screw around with ARM7.
  7. mangatic

    mangatic New Member

    ttds is the far most best slot1 device, i used mine for 3 months and i have never meet any problems.
    it is really simple to use, even a dumb can use it and it is the cheapest one, 9.50$ on dealextreme..
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I disagree, I know of several people who have had trouble with newer games on the TTDS, so far the Acekart and the CycloDS seems to be best.
  9. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    I have only used one Slot-1 card so my opinion will be slightly slanted. However, I did a ton of research on these devices before I dropped dime #1 so it is safe to say my opinion is also an educated one.

    The CycloDS is easiest to use, has the cleanest interface (and is skinnable), automatic DLDI patching, has proven to have terrific support and loads/plays ROMs without any extra work needed; it is the only one I would ever recommend.

    I purchased one for myself in January 2008 and a 2nd for my son this December. I use a 2 and a 4GB SanDisk SDHC card - never experienced any problems with either of them. Over 95% of the ROMs I have loaded on either card (2GB/4GB) has worked on the 1st attempt (for the record, I have downloaded and played over 317 ROMs and homebrew apps over the past 12 months) . Less than 10 of those required that I shorten the path to the .NDS file to less than 155 characters; even fewer needed an OS upgrade.

    If you look at the 'comments' tab of any given ROM, you will often see people complain that they have problems loading it on their card, for one reason or another (Arm7 patch, lockup issues, etc). You won't see anyone complain that their Cyclo did not work.

    This article on Wikipedia offered a pretty non-biased review of all the major carts out there along with a good history of the whole enterprise: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_DS_storage_devices

    My $0.02 anyway.....
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Most flashcarts are skinnable, and have DLDI patching. And most of them are so simple to set up and use.
  11. richard_brooksid

    richard_brooksid Well-Known Member

    I agree - I guess I was just trying to point out all the positives.

    I think the biggest difference is that the Cyclo does not need any additional patching (like Arm7) to get to work. It either works, or doesn't. If it doesn't (and the rom is not corrupted), then either the path is too long or it needs an OS upgrade (rare).
  12. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    the r4 and its clones are the only ones that i have heard need the arm7 patch and that can be fixed by using ys menu (since i switched i havent had to do the arm7 patch yet) but seph is right acecart and cyclo seem to get more frequent fw updates and so far have 100% compatibility
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    DSTT does have better compatibility, so yes, you wouldn't need to do it, except for certain games.
  14. planetse

    planetse New Member

    Edge card for me running SanDisk Micro SD HC 16GB ;)
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