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Best PC Game of All Time! Tell Your Story! willing to Listen!

Discussion in 'PC' started by idiot_game_freak, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    ive got COD 4, Crysis Warhead, Fallout 3, Sim City 4, Supreme commander (picked it up for 3 €),Race Driver Grid,Ghost recon advanced warfighter 1, lost planet,Halo 1, COD WaW and lastly Rollercoaster Tychoon 3. Good lineup?
  2. 01philip01

    01philip01 Active Member

    yay grid ^
    i got grid (60 when it came out) cod2 (20) cod4 (40) battefield2 complete collection (30) gta iv (60) ripped off, and sims 2 isnt that bad. my sister got it for her birthday and its actually fun. x.x
  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Planescape Torment has to have the most sickingly boring gameplay ever. I tried playing it, stopped right after the first battle.
  4. SpooferJahk

    SpooferJahk Member

    Deus-Ex and Doom, no story needed, just play them and see for yourself.
  5. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    UFO Gold Edition
    Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
    Heroes of Might and Magic III & V
    Empire Earth
    Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots
  6. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Morrowind is bad.Rise of Nations and empire earth?Try starcraft.
  7. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Fallout 1/2 also has the most boring gameplay ever.
  8. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Morrowind is awesome, the world feels real, you can do anything you want in it.
    Rise of Nations and Empire Earth are both far superior to Starcraft, Starcraft is an overrated game.

    Possibly to some with no patience. I enjoy turn based games and involving stories though.

    I also forgot to mention Space Empires V, one of the most open Turn Based Strategy games out there, infinite replayability.
  9. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Tell me if it's overrated?how?Rise of nations is slow.Even if its superior in terms of number of units,research tree and age advancement,it lacks of polish like balance,online component,pace.Empire Earth is a buggy game.Look at Starcraft 2 campaign,it Rapes every single RTS campaign ever with it's presentation,art design,storytelling,voice acting,.musics,and of course mission design
  10. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Starcraft was a good game, but not the best RTS out there, I think Red Alert is far superior. I don't understand how you can call RoN unbalanced, lacking an online component or pace, maybe you haven't played it? I've never encountered a bug in Empire Earth and I played a lot of it. No, I haven't played Starcraft 2 yet, it's not out yet.
  11. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    I wan't saying that it has no online component,i was just saying that starcraft online is superior due to faction differences and balance.RoN is great for skirmish but not long lasting.Starcraft 2 beta is already super polished.
  12. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Make up your mind, is RoN too slow, or too quick? Is Starcraft really that balanced? Zerg rushing seems to always win.
  13. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    I also love turn based games, but fallout 1/2 is the most boring turn based ever to me.

    Started Dungeon Siege, it's a pretty cool game

    Also Battlefield 1942, played the demo for like 170 hours, love that game.
  14. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Dude zerg rush is an old thing.There's a lot of counter nowadays.Plus,in sc2 zerg rush is cheesy.
    Anyhow,it's up to you.Maybe i prefer fast pace RTS and you prefer long empire building games.
  15. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    I hate to admit it, but for me - Guild Wars.
    I spent many hours on that game and I still do.

    That or Cave Story.
  16. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    It depends really on my mood, right now I am playing CS and I'm gonna replay starcraft. LOL, starcraft 2 finally has a release date! I like FPS games because you get to make noise. Same with L4d 2.
  17. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    I've got to change this post of mine.
    Currently I'm playing Assassins Greed 2 PC

    And I love the game great adventure and very good graphics and gameplay
  18. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    for me its championship manager 94

    i still play it now, i have literally lost months of my life to that game
  19. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    Left4Dead 2 Co-op at friends house. I enjoy running stuff over. So all 4 of us got into a car and did a few drive bys.

    Playing GTA4 co-op Riot with 4 people, yet again, DRIVE-Bys!
  20. kuroyume_cl

    kuroyume_cl New Member

    Team Fortress 2, if only for the sheer amount of support and free content we've seen from Valve...