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Best Flashcart for 3DS

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by jagman1x3, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    how the hell am I a fanboy? I don't even own an NDS or have the slightest bit of interest in owning one. I have, however, been on this forum right from the beginning and have read hundreds, if not thousands of posts about the different carts. That is what my so-called 'invalid' opinion is based on, the reported experience of dozens of different people, where as your 'valid' opinion is based on the experience of ONE person. My opinion is no less valid than yours. Nor did I imply that the acekard2i is better.

    You say you have zero bias because you own both? guess what, you can still be biased one way or the other. I own neither, and have never used either, therefore I cannot be a fanboy of either.

    try harder next time.
  2. jjyypi

    jjyypi Member

  3. lynne madsen

    lynne madsen Member

    If you don't really care for the Real Time Menu or any of the special plugins and you are just using the flashcart for playing commercial roms, the Acekard 2i is the way to go ,I gave both and honestly prefer my Acekard, though the DSTWO is better and I use the RTG and Plugins often.
    And Ak2i is cheaper and is as good as the dstwo. if you plan on using it for emulators, homebrews, than get the dstwo
  4. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    Acekard 2i for the win.
  5. Rat.2

    Rat.2 Well-Known Member

    I havnt tried a acekard 2i but my supercard owns the movie support isnt anywhere near as good as my Iplayer but the Iplayer was almost solely for movie i still like my ttdsi but i dont really use it any more since i got my SCDS2
  6. Rat.2

    Rat.2 Well-Known Member

    for money but if you dont mind spending some money on a quality flash cart then SCDS2 is the best and the money is going towards the support for unconverted movie gba gb gbc nes snes and even mame
  7. Rat.2

    Rat.2 Well-Known Member

    SCDS2 works with 1.4.2 with an update : http://eng.supercard.sc/manual/dstwo/download.htm
    and acekard 2i works on a 3DS doesnt it and its cheaper than that and has better rom support
  8. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    You are still discussing this.
  9. jpm83160

    jpm83160 Well-Known Member

    do more research please....
    acekard 2i works flawlessly with all the correct upgrades done they way they're designed to work..(thanks for your time)