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Best First Person Shooter?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by adfk, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    theres a long list of known bugs:

    mine door not opening
    rocket launcher disappearing from inventory when a helicopter appears (cant pick up another because you have one, it just doesnt show in weapon selection)
    crashes to desktop
    helicopter getting stuck in a crane and opening fire whenever you're in view (and the level objectives are in view of the helicopter)
    solid objects such as cars acting as if they arent there with regard to letting bullets through.
  2. dracky w

    dracky w Well-Known Member

    Just went on a Crysis-spree and none of them happened
    (i used a fresh install to be sure and not patched)
  3. ded5833

    ded5833 Member

    I don't like Crysis due to the fact that it's graphical prowess outweighs it's gameplay. The gameplay is as shallow as Halo. Also the last level of Crysis is one of the worst designed levels ever made in a video game, zero gravity is a cool idea on paper but in practice, NO NO NO.
  4. LD64

    LD64 Well-Known Member

    Call of Duty 4
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you sure you're talking about the last level? the zero gravity level is about half way through
  6. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    and as far as fps campaigns TUROK is tits as well...........and rainbow vegas.

    MGS4 blows away every shooter ever, but is 3rd peson.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    MGS4 is not a shooter.
  8. Rekal188

    Rekal188 Well-Known Member

    Golden Eye
  9. F77

    F77 Active Member

    it's a though question, but i'd say brothers in arms Earned in Blood and Road to Hill 30(the only two i've played).
    after that i'd have to choose the COD's... I really like war games, specially if their about WW2... ::)

    i dont play other types of FPS much unless someone tells me it's extremely awesome...
  10. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    thats nice
  11. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    Doom (every single Episode of it - even a killer on 16bit-Systems like the Snes or GBAdvance)
  12. duzke

    duzke Well-Known Member

    If you count borderlands as an FPS then im gonna say Halo. Lol. As well as Borderlands.
  13. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Call of Duty series.
    Especially Modern Warfare.
  14. suliman999

    suliman999 Member

    kill zone 2
    resistance 1-2
    cod 4
    F.E.A.R ...I love this game
    and more
  15. getbuck21

    getbuck21 Well-Known Member

    fallout 2
    COD 4
    resistance 2
  16. adfk

    adfk Well-Known Member

    nice one- do u play emulator or real n64? n64 is way better than emulator. but to tell u the truth, it's far too overrated. Go The World Is Not Enough!!!! Really awesome game. Oh, and go Perfect Dark!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. tvrtko

    tvrtko Well-Known Member

    I haven't played a lot of FPSs, but the one I truly loved was Return to castle wolfenstain, singleplayer. It was long, hard (at least for me) and varied. I enjoyed every minute of it.
  18. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Portal. :D
  19. sparxxraps

    sparxxraps Well-Known Member

    Wolfenstein 3d the original for computer an of course Doom. classics but i still play them
  20. MangaRx

    MangaRx Well-Known Member

    Team Fortress 2