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Best and worst gifts for men?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tiramisukisu, Apr 24, 2009.

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  1. xkoolguy90x

    xkoolguy90x Well-Known Member

    well i hear that a good case of beer will cheer a guy up. but in my case, i hate beer. it tastes like the carbonated water seltzer or whatever. i hate it. sodas are a different story.

    but yea if hes 1 of those guys who likes beer, get a case or 2. which 1 is beyond me. if he likes games, check his stock of games and see what genre they are and check a top list of games under whatever genre the games are.

    or come here and we will let you in on a good game in whatever genre hes in.
  2. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    Here is my Barrelman-san! I found many in nearby mall. I could not stop self and put deco a little...


    He has lovely ochinchin and golden bells that produce rin rin sound! Kyaaa... (pvq) I bought many and give to my male friends. \(^- ^\)

    I deco rest while in my flight tomorrow. (≧ω≦)

    Yes it was first European movie I watched. If we can not meet F1 friend, maybe I just buy PS3 set for him. I think I just pretend it is gift for him but really gift for me since I will use it more. (^∇^; )

    I would not know difference in accents. orz He has that darth vader mask. orz

    No thank you! I do not want my boyfriend to do bad or be addicted. o(;â–³;)o

    I can not even buy self car. orz Subaru is popular in your country? Good! ♪ o(^∇^v)

    Yes we like beer especially for summer. I just finished packing local beer in luggage. I hope it is not illegal. \(>.<\)

    He likes war games and Grand Theft Auto. I do not know much about American war games. I just know Call of Duty series which he plays. I play mostly role-playing, survival horror, casual. He dislikes all games I play. orz
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Wow, they look great Tiramisu!

    I betcha who ever recieves them will get a real kick out of them!

    Have a safe trip back home :)
  4. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    It is supposed to be scary for man... not great... (T_T) Cahos-nyan is too nice! o( _ _ )o Thank you!
  5. xkoolguy90x

    xkoolguy90x Well-Known Member

    i have 1 of those barrelman. ill see if i can post up a pic. hes basically standing like a soldier does at attention but he has the stick poking put of him.
  6. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    naw not popular just love them. they are soo fast the new wrxs can do 0-60 in like 5 secs that not bad for a $25,000.00 car. stock.
  7. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    OK hopefully im not too late here (though judging by the wooden penis decoration I just saw id say ive missed my mark lol).

    Dont get him clothes, guys do not want clothes at all, although we like new clothes we would rather have something we dont need.

    My partner usually just looks around and finds something I have and buys a better bigger version, a new ipod, a new flashdrive, A new game is awesome too but make sure you interrogate him to find out what game he wants at the moment.

    Also if you have a restaurant nearby that does a stonegrill meal try taking him there, my partner took me to stone grill for dinner and damn it was awesome, nothing quite like watching half a cow cook on a hot stone right in front of you!

    combine any of the above with a fried breakfast and a nice shower and youll have no worries :p

    C.R.V. EDIT: Hello! Just had to tone down your post, there are kiddies visiting these forums :p
  8. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    lol but if hes into cars get him some parts. An intake, turbo, blowoff valves, rims, something cool.
    and yeahh sexual stuffs always good =)
  9. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    Cahos censorship is so funny! I read what Almo said though. Of course it is a quick and easy best gift for any man! (^o^)b

    Yes we have stone grill restaurant but I have not eaten for a long time. Maybe it is good choice for then. Thank you. ♪

    I hope you support and buy subaru!!! \(>_<\) My boy does not have car however. orz It is too expensive to own car and daily transportation is free from company. Car is just useful for long travel. We use bicycle and train for daily travel in city. (・-・)

    Yeah I feel now best gift for man is not material but naughty thing. It is good because I like naughty too! (pvq)

    By the way, I read in another post you are from Buffalo. I went there twice! (^- ^*)
  10. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    lol really?? haha i wanna go to japan sooo badlyy lol

    and yes i do support subaru all the wayy they are my favee
  11. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    Yes I remember I took photo outside HSBC center. Is it near you? Security approached me for the photo and made me stop and delete. I was scared so much. (>_<; ) He waited until I deleted. Even it was just my face with building backdrop. orz

    I went to shopping mall also and it was like ghost mall. (((;△;))) I forgot the name... Rainbow? I think they were ending business so it was empty. But it was good because all remaining shops went on sale and I save much. (^∇^)v

    Come to Japan someday! I want to visit America again someday also.
  12. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    yeah hsbc arena is like 20 mins from my housee !! lol i will come to japan hopefully soon!! i wanna go to tokyyo soo bad. actually i wanna live there lol
  13. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    damn 20 minutes from there... you must like hockey then
    I wish I would live close to the Centre Bell...
  14. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    yeahhh i love the sabres =)
  15. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    damn youuuu
    Canadians for the win ;D
  16. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    lol leafs are my second fave =)
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    OK I think she'd already left for her plane & maybe she's already back home by now so I think I shall lock the thread up for now.
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