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Best _____ of the Decade! (2000-2009)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BloodVayne, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    You can play PS1 games on the PS2.
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Microsoft would never say that about me.
    Microsof, however, maybe. After all, Microsof is from China. And we all know how much China hates me.
    I don't remember much from 2000-2008.
    After all, I was 3 back then.
  3. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    You notice everything don't you :p, and in some weird way were both upping our spelling....XD
  4. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Just like how you needlessly point out my spelling errors.
    I remember one of the old Samsung phones being all the rage until them blackberries took over.
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Gamecube sold 21.74 million worldwide.
    PS2 sold 146.9 million worldwide.
    Wee sold 75.90 million worldwide.
    PS3 sold 41.6 million worldwide.
    Xbox sold 24 million worldwide.
    RRoD 360 sold 44.6 million worldwide
    NDS (and all the incarnation) sold 135.58 million worldwide
    PSP sold 62 million worldwide

    still think Gamecube is the best console of the decade? If you do, You are the most Delusional Fanboy of the Decade.

    PS2: 10 years and still (barely) alive while gamecube is long dead.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    My best responses of the year to what i see online.

    Yes reply-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3ALwKeSEYs (yeah you expected this)
    No reply-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtMO-omeo5s&NR=1

    Most annoying song to get in my head while gaming (if you decapitated someone in avp and this song plays then you're just as crazy as me!)

    Best game that gave me what a current contra game can't=Vanquish

    Best gun I seen in action=AA12 with drum feed (BOOM BOOM BOOM AUTO SHOTGUN!)

    Best "classic violent stlye" movie I've seen this year=The expendibles
    Best Album I've actually bought=Disturb's "asylum"
    Best investment=ps3 slim
    Best game I've played this year=Batman arkham asylum (might change if gt5 is as good as it's been foretold)
    Best topic=Spam thread

    And the best forum poster here I've seen is...

    Anyone who is a regular at the romU chatango...JOIN THE MADNESS, note that while I'm there I am god
    Post Merge: [time]1289474423[/time]
    Also I read up above, one can have PERSONAL choises on their best console, Otherwise we might as well link a site that does "best in the decade" and be met with hundreds of professionally done "best of" catagories...the ps2 mearly sold the most, gamecube tried to be inovative, and the xbox just was a power whore.
  7. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    Best DS flashcart of the decade: DSTWO (if you count 2010) and CycloDS if you don't.

    (but as far as updates, DSTWO and AKAIO/WOOD/WAIO carts are king.)
  8. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Sales on a product means nothing...it only shows the end of sales not the aftermath....
    Over the years there have been plenty of TV, Movie, Video Game Systems which have been shoved aside...
    For example:
    The Sega DreamCast
    Despite its eventual commercial failure and short production span, the Dreamcast had been supported in the following years as systems were being sold and homebrew games released for the system. A method was found for playing Mil-Cd's without any hardware modification and through a free software development kit called KallistiOS, software support of the console continues with homebrew games, emulators for older systems and media players being released for the system. Independent commercial games such as Feet of Fury, Last Hope and DUX have also been released.[24][25]
    The Dreamcast introduced numerous features that would be standard to future consoles. All models were shipped with modems allowing users to browse the net and play games online via dedicated server through SegaNet (Dreamarena in Europe), a precursor to services such as Xbox Live. Alien Front Online was the first online console game to feature live in-game voice chat. It also featured such early downloadable content, such as items and missions for games such as Phantasy Star Online and Skies of Arcadia. Jet Set Radio, a Dreamcast original, popularized cell shaded graphics. Shenmue had introduced a game with vast scope and Seaman was one of the first virtual pet games for a console.[26] In 2009, IGN named the Dreamcast the 8th greatest video game console of all time, out of a field of 25.[27]
    Several Dreamcast emulation projects have also emerged including Chankast and nullDC. And on June 10, 2010, at E3 Sega announced that Dreamcast titles would soon be available on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network. The first two titles to be released are Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi.[28]
    was a product which was not acclaimed for it's greatness at first, later though it became a sensation in the gaming community because of its graphics and feel during gaming...
    Invader Zim
    Invader Zim was critically accepted, winning two awards and nominations for the first episode.[9] The DVD release has also renewed interest and re-evaluation of the show, receiving high scores and sales.[clarification needed][10][11][12][13]
    [edit]Awards and nominations
    During its initial broadcast, Invader Zim was the recipient of three awards and seven nominations.[14]
    In 2001, Kyle Menke won an Emmy for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation for "The Nightmare Begins" for his storyboarding,[15] as did Steve Ressel, who won an Annie for Outstanding Individual Achievement for Storyboarding in an Animated Television Production for "The Nightmare Begins".[16] That same year, Steve Ressel, Jhonen Vasquez, and Mary Harrington won the World Animation Celebration award for Best Title Sequence.[17]
    The show was nominated for five other Annie Awards in 2001: Outstanding Achievement in a Primetime or Late Night Animated Television Production, Outstanding Individual Achievement for Directing in an Animated Television Production (Steve Ressel for episode "Dark Harvest"), Outstanding Individual Achievement for Music Score in an Animated Television Production (Kevin Manthei), Outstanding Individual Achievement for Production Design in an Animated Television Production (Vasquez), and Outstanding Individual Achievement for Voice Acting by a Male Performer in an Animated Television Production (Richard Steven Horvitz).[16]
    In 2002, the sound crew was nominated for the Golden Reel Award for Best Sound Editing in Television - Animation for "The Nightmare Begins". In 2003, the show was nominated post-cancellation for an Annie for Outstanding Achievement in an Animated Television Production.[18]
    was one of those shows which people have mixed views on...many people complained that it was gross and was cancelled due too low ratings...later though it's lurking fans arose...
    All I'm saying is that the GameCube was a very good product that offered some of that fun (nostalgic) Nintendo experience.
    The GameCube received very good reviews as well on most of it's games...I just like it...
    I really don't remember games being exiting on the PS2 or XBOX that's all... (FYI that was the competition at the time)
    Although I really loved The Ape Escape Series and MK...
    Info courtesy of Wiki
  9. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Your opinion =/= best ___ of the decade. You said product sales mean nothing. So the people that bought the consoles just throw it into the sea after buying it?
  10. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I'd like to nominate this for the most fucktardedly lame post this year.
  11. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    it wasn't originally made that way. if you got a modchip, then it will work
  12. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    not true, i have one of the first ps2, and i used to play FFVII on it
  13. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Received your box...
    Thanks Suiseiseki, you shouldn't have :D

    Please read carefully before you post...
    It is based on sales sold at a specific period...
  14. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    What specific period? It doesn't change the fact that the PS2 sold nearly 150 thousand worldwide. And that is taking from a specific period. From year XXXX to XXXX.
  15. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    Usually when sales end the money is counted (estimated)...
    So around the time the units were stopped being sold, maybe 2007, not sure though...
    New products like the PSP sales for example, are still upgraded...
  16. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    Sales doesn't make a console good. It could have just had shit loads of advertising.
  17. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    ya, it just mean millions of people just throw their money into the sea, you know like wee owners.

    because your never own one, thats why you'll never found out what make PS2 sold so much. As Wee prove, marketing can only do so much in term of sales. without quality games the system would be dead long time ago... also the reason why PS2 is still (barely) alive even when PS3 is out.

    if over 100 millions unit sold and live for 10 years doesnt make it the best console of the decade, then i really dont know what else is qualifier for that....
  18. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    I have split the topics into "----" so that I can better organize my thoughts...
    Let me just give you an example of how sales, and the use of advertising plays some role in the way people buy they're things...
    So, my friend was being annoying, saying how...
    "...Black Ops was gonna be the shit..." "...It's worth the money..." "...I heard that it's gonna be cool..."
    That lasted for over two months...
    Then he buys the game, plays it for 2 days, and comes back to tell me...
    "...the game sucked, and did not exceed my expectations..." "...It was just a clone of so many other war games..."
    Blah, Blah, Blah...
    I actually wait until someone buys a game or system ("jumps onto the bandwagon") and then I try it out...
    Then, if I really like it I buy it.
    If it's just a game which will keep me entertained at night, during vacation, or free time... I'll download it
    Let me make myself clear in case you post anything about COD: Black Ops...
    My friends views and mine on the game have nothing to do with what I'm trying to explain to you...
    I am simply showing you how ones views (or use of money on gadgets, such as in this case) are steered based on what the majority, thinks , says, or does about something in particular (advertising)....
    In case you did not know, when your friends tell you a game is gonna be good, and that you should buy it...they are actually helping the companies by advertising...

    I'm not trying to make the arguement big, as stated in the past...
    -Whether you know it or not, new games are still being released for the PS2...
    That's one of the reasons why sales of the PS2 Slim models have not ended...
    The quality of the games have nothing to do with the amount of units being sold...
    -People want to buy they're kids the newest (or highest rated [based on sales]) gadgets and willingly waste they're money without examining (or trying) the product that they are about to purchase, hence, "the reason I play them at my friends house first".
    Yeah, those are the
    people who get on the bandwagon, as previously stated...
    -Many people (not all) tend to do this, not just parents...Kids & yound adults also buy them to be hip, or cause they have no knowledge on the product but simply, "thinks it looks cool"...
    -I have also owned a PS2 and it was ok as mentioned here...
    Statistical (Sales) Crap don't make a product good...
    Now, tell me if you agree in some part of all this...which is common sense, or do you still find me to be
    Or, agree if you do in some aspects... don't be so quick (negative) to throw something aside...
    hYpNoS pretty much said what I wanted to say about "personal choices"...and his views are clearly stated afterwards...
    not negative, but truthful...
    It's true that it was not a power machine, but it was a great, entertaining box.
    In short be a better buyer...
    I really like the idea of how 'Apple Stores' let you try out they're products before buying...
    Yes, I do realize that other companies, such as Wall-Mart, understand that testing a product (console(s) in this case) is vital to your financial aspects...
    But, as stated many people don't do this...and eventually return the games or systems and/or do end up throwing or selling them...["starting to sound like romulation's views anyone"]
    That's the reason I leech off of my friends to fnd out what's good and what's not in my opinion...
    Hope you can handle reading this and not critize my writting, by saying, "...you lost me at..." or "...I have no idea what it all says..."
    (maybe you won't even get this far)
  19. triemie

    triemie Well-Known Member

    The best site of the decade : romulation :p
  20. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    Maybe when it's first released. Once it's been around though, the main propeller would be the reviews and the games released. Some folks buy consoles when they hear about games/series they love being released on it. Some buy it because their friends/acquaintances give good reviews of it. If for example, a new console were to be introduced and the whole of romu is gushing about it, it would follow that more forumers will be interested in seeing for themselves/buying it.


    Best crash pad of the decade, if only just to laugh at yourself for laughing at yourself for laughing there.