equitypetey, i'm sorry about this but you don't spell Bipolar Disorder that way. it actually sounded like a polar bear there >_<
Dont think you read my earlier post. Good job i dont get easily offended. You really dont know anything about mental hospitals do you.Its not like on the films. It was proberly the most terrifying place i have ever been,and hope not to end up there again. Please try not to mock it again,when you dont know nothing about it,ecspecially calling it COOL!!?! lol @_@
I don't mean to pry, and if you don't want to answer that's cool, but what kind of institution were you in? My Dad was in one for a while but it was pretty low security; it was almost like an old person's home, but there was a definite undercurrent of something which made the whole place a bit daunting to spend time in.
I was sectioned. Wasnt aloud to leave for months. Pilled up everyday,did nothing put sit and wait. I wasnt aloud in the open mental hospital,as i was sectioned and seen as a danger to myself and others No worries any questions,im pretty happy to answer,i try to help others who are in the same situation as i was in by telling them about my time
@MitsukaiXxX, snebbers was indeed only joking, most of us suffered in some form, of course not in a metal insitution. Also um...the only reason I bothered to post now is despite one of my post kinda going off topic earlier...is because this is meant to be about being emo, not insanity despite the extreme emo's being crazy enough to cut themselves.
I think it might be worth pointing out that while most, if not all Emos cut themselves, most if not all of them only do it for attention. It's very rare to meet an emo that's actually unbalanced, most just act that way because it's cool.
But to willing cut yourself is a sign something is wrong-how can one enjoy feeling that kind of pain willingly? Beaten yourself over the head is one thing, but cutting yourself...is insanity! I only know of one person who used to do it-she now downs alchol and drugs rather than wrist cutting...I don't know what is worse with this one seriously
I know several people who used to cut their wrists, I even did it once to see what all the fuss was about. The people that cut their wrists have since gone on to all walks of life, one's studying to become a lawyer, another is a drop out and fills himself with all the drugs known to man. When I cut my wrists I got a mild high from the pain, but it seemed stupid even still as I'd felt the same high from playing sports. Cutting oneself used to be a sign of problems, unfortunately many people are doing it to fit in and as a result, those who aren't doing it for attention are being ignored and shunned.
"laugh out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out loud"? Probably true, but what's your point?
The fact that no matter how much you point out someone's short comings, you'll meet the same fate as them, I'm no different. Who cares? Emo's may die from suicide or whatever you want to stereotype them to do. But then you'll just die of old age, if not, then something else. Death being inevitable.
The journey is what matters. If you had to get to Southern France from London in England, would you prefer to walk, fly, swim, or ride a horse? Or give up halfway and never get there? I have yet to know of an emo who actually committed suicide, most just whine about how hard life is. Suicide is never a way out, all it does is hurt those who care for you most which is a horrendous thing to do. Death might not be inevitable, it might be possible to prevent it with technology.
really? technology can grant... immortality?! 0_o okay this is an Emo topic not death, guyz please get back on topic now.
I meant one day it might be possible. What do you mean "debate anymore"? At what point were you debating anything? I'm sorry, but I seem to have missed your stance on this topic. All I can get from your posts is a sense that you're trying to say 'we're all the same underneath' which is irrelevant to the discussion, unless you apply it to a reason why it should be relevant. Of course, it's entirely possible I've just missed some nuance of what you were saying, in which case I would ask you to please set me straight.
I know that death is linked to emos. but would you tell them, "please don't commit suicide. death might be possible to prevent with technology... one day". Sorry but that's what I meant by off-topic about death.