just leave mines everywhere not sure piracy is that big an issue on console, especially the online features. it's clearly just greed. tryhard i keep losing out on MVP ribbons because of premium losers, you would think they would have the sense not to double the award score
Nah man I just like that weapon and that weapon likes me. And I don't really care about the double xp. Post Merge: [time]1341258737[/time] And sorry, but you can't lose mvp from us because of 'double xp', since it's awarded at the end of the match, and it doesn't count to the ranking in a round. Get your facts straight before whining.
hasn't been confirmed. And if it's true, then it's super lame. I want fair battles. I don't want to be better because I'm premium. I'm premium for the dlcs. I also hate the fact that the kill cam mentions '.. Is a premium player'. I wish I could turn mine off.
It takes me several hours. Not everywhere has 'fast' internet. The UK government consider 2mbit to be fast and think that when everyone in the country has 2mbit we'll have the fastest internet in europe. At least 3 european countries have over 100mbit widely available.
mine varies between 2.0 and 3.5mbit downstream and has a consistent 576kbit/s upstream. It's unlimited.
It's the best that's available where I live. There's no cable in this part of the village, and im about 4km from the telephone exchange so 3.5 is about the best ADSL can do.