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Battlefield 3

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by athemoe, Feb 16, 2012.


What's your favourite kit?

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  1. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    The Jackhammer is a noobtube and you should be ashamed if you use it. And shotguns aren't nooby, it takes skill to kill people with the spas slug. And the IRNV is beast on Donya Fortress, the parking lot of Operation 925 and on long distances.
  2. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Ok so you know that re-download I started? It finished last night :3
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    The jackhammer is inferior compared to usas, hell the usas12 with frags is STILL potent, the jackhammer works only in close quarters no matter the rounds, I died way too much with slugs/buckshot on the damn thing (unless i was in cq maps the buckshot is pointless).

    The spas12 is far more deadlier, I just have to stop worrying about my health or claymores, put on fletchette, and off I go, I racked up kills faster with it compared to the jackhammer, but...

    Reason why I use it in the first place, other than the kills is because when I found out about it and its origins (prototype that was never finished) I thought "I'll make it work!".

    And don't go making fun of noob tubing, I made the m320lvg's look good :p

    Also, this is for street racer...


    A how to guide for newbs to bf3, should help with his infantry work.
  4. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Noob tube.
    I also hate the usas. It's in my top 5 kills because I only used it against other people when they also used the usas prepatch. I don't use it anymore.
    And ugh flechette is also for people who can't aim because of the wide spread. Slugs can travel greater distances but it's only deadly if you can aim properly.
    And that's why I love spas + slug
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Spas with slugs work, semis work to some extent...

    But on autos you got a better chance beating someone to death with a newspaper, it bloody sucks, also I loose alot of gun fights with jackhammer even with auto fire, ethier I miss somehow or...

    They shoot me quicker.

    I do better with spas but prefer jackhammer, I just got a soft spot for that thing...besides.
    USAS12 also has a tighter pellet spread, meaning more chance of killing if a burst hits than the jack hammer.

    And everything I do is called noobish, using an rpg on infantry is for noobs, using underlsung grenade launchers/shotguns is for noobs, claymores/c4 is for noobs, crashing jets/helis/other jets is for noobs so excuse me if I play to win, not for my kdr.

    If it gets the job done and isn't agaisnt the server rules then there is no problem, that said people break the rules including server admins and kick me when I'm on a triple knife streak in a knife only game -_-

    Also m40b and irnv...you didnt mention if its run and gun or bipod play, regardless I kept kniving the same guy over and over again last night, you'd think he'd go to a more secure place, BEING 2 FLAGS AWAY FROM THE MAIN BATTLE IS NOT SAFE!
  6. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    "crashing jets/helis/other jets"
    I don't like people who do that.

    "Also m40b and irnv...you didnt mention if its run and gun or bipod play, "
    Run and gun, you have no idea how good it is.
    You know the swimming pool in Donya Fortress? (Flag B to C)
    You can kill everyone with it. They can't see you that good, but you can see them with ease, and if you know how to controll the recoil, the m240b is brutal. The bullets give a lot of damage. I mean, do you know the feeling of getting surpressed in the dark?
    The same goes for the parking lot on flag B on Operation 925.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I only crash heli pilots who...

    -Are VERY good
    -Persistent in trying to attack me
    -When 2 enemy jets are locked onto me

    I don't go out of my way to crash into them, it's just if I'm using my machine guns (I never go heatseekers-I never accept a death in my jet unless it's a jet's machine guns) I don't deviate, especially if he's locking onto me and my ecm is still recharging, mind you its rare I'm attacking while ecm is on recharge but if I got 2 jets also on me (it's usually just me in the air) then I make an effort to take the heli down...if I run from the chopper I got the jets, if I run from the jets it's the heli...ONE MUST go down, or else any other jets spawning will be targeted (in every game where they triple team me they start spawn raping my airstrip, they would be preventing me from taking off...mind you I do a little spawn rape but I don't destroy jets taking off, I give them 30 seconds to shake me before opening fire, or I steal their jet :p )

    I forgot about the damage the m240b gives, it's just I prefer to pump as many bullets as I can into someone rather than each bullet doing more damage...

    Still for a beginner if they find a famas or mtar user or ME with the m249 it's gonna be messy.

    Also just watched one of lvlcap's new videos on the m1014 shotgun, 10 pellets...I may consider giving it a go since its only one less than spas12 (11)...

    Or maybe I should go back to doa12, I used to love that thing, used to go frags all the time with that puppy when I first bought the game <3
  8. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I also steal tanks/choppers from enemies who are repairing it (shoot them, take their kit, repair the vehicle and hop in). But ramming your jet in choppers is lame and unfair.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Not when you got a 3 on one situation, as I explained.
    In those the heli is the most dangerous, because the heli would be going for JUST me, the other heli would go down quickly because (in these situations) I AM the only air power my team has...

    I already explained this, and because I use guided shells and machine guns I have to dive bomb the heli, to get maximum damage means I have to hold the breaks in...
    With 2 jets on me that is A VERY BAD IDEA, what would you do athemoe when its one on 3?

    I don't intentionally crash it, I just make kamikaze dives while gunning, if it dies by the guns good (I might also mention it throws the heli pilots off, its intimidation, either they pull up or I do at the very last possible second unless my jet is being locked onto by the jets behind me) , if I die crashing into it technically I lost to take such a desperate measure...that and it means my little killstreak has come to an end.

    Also in unrelated news dice gives premium players NEW GUN CAMOS but for the guns that already had them...




    I don't steal the tanks while they repair, I use my blowtorch, 9/10 times the drivers, which are usually loners jump out...I'll jump in, and finish them off or die trying, usually I get me a free tank...

    It's like running the driver of a car over with their own car after using a spike strip on their tires :p
  10. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    so you don't steal tanks, you steal tanks
  11. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    *eye roll*

    Fine, I'll fucking re-phrase that.

    I steal tanks by force the drivers out, not while they fix their tanks.

    Happy, no, go fuck yourself, not happy?

    *brings out blow torch* COME AT ME BRO

    (I actually said this as I switched teams one game, because my team mates kept stealing my tank, so I took it back...permanently, hate it when they do that)
  13. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    uhm idk what about.. don't be a pussy and take out those jets like a real man?
  14. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    what's the difference other than the fact your way takes fucking longer, "hey look, that guy's repairing his tank out in the open, i better wait till he repairs the tank to full health so i can attack it with my repair torch". do you do it that way cause you know you'd lose in a gunfight since i know you can only get kills by camping metro or using OP guns
    lol umad?
  15. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's what he meant.
  16. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    sorry to bring this up
    but i wanna know who's on what level plz :}
    im lvl 34 :3
    and you guys?
  17. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    colonel 57
  18. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    colonel 60 :)
  19. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    I don't have multiplayer... Origin were to good.
  20. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member


    anyway I love getting a double headshot with one bullet :)