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Ban the person above you

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, May 2, 2007.

  1. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    Banned for eating here and spilling crumbs over the carpet
  2. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    banned for not cleaning the mess
  3. DaSiofthra

    DaSiofthra Active Member

    banned for expecting others to do things for you
  4. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    banned for clothing hens
  5. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Banned for banning the one who banned a banner
  6. Zamrullah

    Zamrullah Artist in Training

    banned for using cute black bunny =3 as avatar
  7. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    It's cute?
    Banned for calling the black bunny of death and destruction cute... and his name is Mr. Sniffles
  8. Zamrullah

    Zamrullah Artist in Training

    banned cause you lying! mr.sniffle is cute! =3
  9. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Banned because Mr.Sniffles only wants to be called evil and dangerous... he also wants a carrot.
  10. Keinozamora

    Keinozamora Member

    Banned for wanting to be evil
  11. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Banned because it's only the bunny that wants to be evil not me...
  12. Keinozamora

    Keinozamora Member

    Banned for banning the one who banned thousand of thousand who banned the hundreds who cant ban poeple
  13. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Banned for banning me the banner of all who banned before me
  14. Keinozamora

    Keinozamora Member

  15. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Banned for not telling me the reson you banned me
  16. Keinozamora

    Keinozamora Member

    Banned again!
  17. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Banned yet again for not telling me the reson I was banned.
  18. Keinozamora

    Keinozamora Member

    Banned for not know why
  19. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Banned for not writing the sentance properly
  20. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Banned for being a grammar nazi and then misspelling the word "sentence".

    Nothing personal.