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Ban the person above you

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, May 2, 2007.

  1. poiboy

    poiboy Well-Known Member

    i'm banning ChibiGamer for being a woman on the internet who disappeared for sooo long!

  2. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    i ban poiboy because he didn't use a z in his sentence
  3. Phreak Hacker

    Phreak Hacker Well-Known Member

    I ban airsoft for being too 'soft' on poiboy for not using a 'Z' in his sentence.
  4. mrstealth

    mrstealth Member

    I ban phreak hacker for banning airsoft for being too soft on poiboy for not using a z in his sentence.
  5. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    i ban mrstealth for banning phreak hacker for banning airsoft for being too soft on poiboy for not using a z in his sentence.
  6. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    i ban everyone before this post for not stopping banning people. :p
  7. disturbiated

    disturbiated Guest

    i ban Adnan1992 for thinking badly of us for not stopping the banning.
  8. thespoonybard

    thespoonybard Member

    i ban disturbiated for killing my wish in the wish spoiler game.

    HA, take that dream wrecker!!
  9. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    I ban thespoonybard for making me laugh till my throat closed up and I had an ASTHMA attack! :eek:

    Way to try to kill me! :mad:

    I really did laugh and have an asthma attack though, but I'm sure it's not your fault. :D
  10. thespoonybard

    thespoonybard Member

    Drats, foiled again!!!


    eh.......i mean........O MY GOD CHIBI ARE YOU OK?!!??

    nah, glad i got you too laugh good and hard. didn't mean to almost kill you though.

    ALSO: you are banned for being the post above me.
  11. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I'm banning thespoonybard for being as spoony as his name implies :p
  12. Commander

    Commander Member

    I'm banning Asmadi for no reason other then everyone else was doing it. (Peer Pressure :p)
  13. thespoonybard

    thespoonybard Member

    i ban commander for caving in to peer pressure.

    seriously man.

    I'm disappointed in you.
  14. ChibiGamer

    ChibiGamer Well-Known Member

    I'm banning Spoony for being disappointed in someone.

    (Side note, seriously it's not your fault, I just got over pneumonia and so my asthma has been really sissy lately. :) )
  15. thespoonybard

    thespoonybard Member

    pneumonia? but....isn't it like.....summer?

    how did you ever get that?

    oh, and i am banning you again because my coffee mug is almost empty, and that puts me in a sower mood. :mad:
  16. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I'm banning thespoonybard for spelling "sour" wrong. For shame.
  17. Commander

    Commander Member

    I am banning Asmadi for spelling corrections, its a forum no one can spell.
  18. thespoonybard

    thespoonybard Member

    I'm banning myself for horrendous spelling errors.

    also I'm banning commander. cause i don't want to go down solo.

    ......you forgive me right commander?
  19. Rockstar99

    Rockstar99 Well-Known Member

    Im banning thespoonybard for trying to not go down solo.
  20. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    banning Rockstar99, because he have 99 in his name