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Ban the person above you

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, May 2, 2007.

  1. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    I did not forge my age its the truth and only the truth
  2. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    You have been to court once too much
  3. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    no just to many Phoenix wright
  4. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what i meant
  5. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    i ban kids for dreaming in his phoenix fantasy world until he did a forging ages
  6. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    I agree with you, your honor.
  7. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    no i did play to much Phoenix until forge my age but its the my truth age
  8. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    Can i see a picture of you ( the devil)
  9. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    You had Reply #666 you are the devil !!!!!

    EDIT: Shoot me: Double Post!!!
  10. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    i ban kids keep saying that 666 is his truth age,which it doesn't.
  11. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Tboi double post must report and its my truth age
  12. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    I ban Koyuchan for having 181 posts in the Games Jokes&Random section already
  13. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    i wonder how many post i have in the Game Joke & Random section
  14. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    I ban phatomkids for having 239 posts in the Games, Jokes & Random section :p
  15. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    i ban Tboi to call me devil because of that 666 which I'm not.
  16. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    Ban right back at ya
  17. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    how did you see which section has how many post?
  18. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    Secret, otherwise it isn't a secret :p
  19. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    how did you see my posts?
  20. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    i ban Tboi for having 465 post in the game joke and random section