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Ban the person above you

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, May 2, 2007.

  1. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    banned for not probotecting and serving us
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    banned for being a target for alien assualts
  3. GoldenTalesGeek

    GoldenTalesGeek Well-Known Member

    Banned because you're thinking like Torchwood (the old regime, not the current one run by Captain Jack Harkness).
  4. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    banned because jacks whant to join torchwood.
  5. NC200X

    NC200X Well-Known Member

    Banned, 'cause that's the rule of the game! LOL.
  6. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    xDDDD, Banne for not telling me the rules.

  7. rebornalone

    rebornalone Well-Known Member

    Banned for not reading the rules
  8. failtorespond

    failtorespond Well-Known Member

    banned for being reborn alone
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I bellybop you failtorespond :D
  10. frebels

    frebels Well-Known Member

    I ban you for having a girl acc on WOW but not being a girl in RL .
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I ban you because I of the lack of responce to this thread latly...
  12. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    I ban you becouse there is only Wario on your sign that belongs to Nintendo.
  13. ADGS231

    ADGS231 Well-Known Member

    I ban you for killing the hippie.
  14. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    I ban ADGS231 for being the last to ban someone from the past few days.
  15. deank27

    deank27 Well-Known Member

    i ban AcroneSF for shoving a whining noob up a hippie's throat xD
  16. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    i ban deank27 for banning me for shoving a noob up a hippies throat.
  17. deank27

    deank27 Well-Known Member

    I ban AcroneSF for being a casual gamer like me @_@
  18. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    I ban deank27 for have less posts than me. (i actualy have 189 posts)
  19. RedFrogs919

    RedFrogs919 Guest

    You Should Be Banned Because I Feel Like It
    Post Merge: [time]1247115404[/time]
    You Should Be Banned Because I Want Yo To Be
  20. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    I ban RedFrogs919 for posting two reasons.