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Ask Me something

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Reider, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Do you like locking things as much as CJ did?
  2. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    Dear Reider

    Your last answer to my question answered many of the doubts I had.
    I must add that your response was certainly as expected.
    an aswer worthy of one of the brightest minds of this century as you are

    but i got another doubts:
    Is the process of mariuahana compresion the same that the pokeballs use?
    if yes. the pokemon becomes friendly because of that?

    I anxiously await your response. Thanks

  3. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Yes. While I have no issues with a guy doing something to another guy's butt, I wouldn't do anything of the sort myself nor would I like to have it done to me.

    Lesbians are awesome though. <3
    Not really, no.
    The pokemon becomes friendly due to the fact that the ball usually hits them in the face so hard they forget everything that happened and it makes them a free slate to get them to like you. It's the best kept secret of the pokemon trainers.
  4. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Why are the spam and Mods vs Users threads so slow?
  5. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    You like it when people smack Seph??
  6. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Because their regulars aren't around perhaps? I don't know, ask them.
  7. sylky0604

    sylky0604 Well-Known Member

    Does it turn you on?
  8. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    No. It does make me laugh to watch a skinny version of Guile get smacked up though.
  9. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    your avatar is gay-looking...

    Do you get paid?
  10. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    My avatar doesn't look like he's sitting in the dark crying so it's cool.

    I don't get paid unless you count free premium as payment.
  11. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    How many ROMS/ISO's have you downloaded?

    And, Are you downloading one now?
  12. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    What was your old username again? What nationality are you? What color is your hair? Do you think I look gay?
  13. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    As our great ancestors have asked thousands of years ago, Do you want to touch my tralala?
  14. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    No idea, and no.
    Asmadi, American, Auburn, and yes.
    Only if I'm touching with my metal pipe swinging as fast as I can.
  15. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    you're funny, i like you...

    *Reider is now Sin NAMAkA*

    When are you gonna get married?
  16. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Would you like to touch my tralala with your hands? Gently?
  17. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Sometime in the future.
    Swinging metal pipe or no go. Touching things gently with my hands doesn't break stuff.
  18. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    Dear Reider

    The last question i did to you, obviously was nothing for your powerfull mind, so today i will ask you something that probably not even "SUPER seph" could answer (however i know you can, oh great master Reider).

    If sonic is a hedgehog, cloud is Emo, Goku is Doctor, Luigi is homo and Mario is a plumber, racer, DR., super hero, varied sportsman... why there are still some people, that still using Internet Explorer?

    I await for your response anxiously, in advance thanks.

  19. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Do you always like breaking stuff? Like a perfect rack, if you know what I mean? ::)
  20. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Because they either don't know there are better alternatives or their lips are glued to Microsoft's ass and refuse to change. Also cases where they're just too lazy to change but those people don't count.
    I've been known to break racks every once in awhile. Not really my fault that the servers were too damn heavy for them though.