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ask a stupid question...

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    No. You cant heat up water thats already hot.

    Are you ready to ROCK!!
  2. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    ask the japanese version of megaman.ROCKMAN

    how can we swallow kirby?
  3. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    we cant theres a black hole in its stomach

  4. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    you talking to my dog?

    wherez mai dowg?
  5. drew44

    drew44 Well-Known Member

    i dont know

    how long will it take you to make a sephiroth signature?
  6. buulsit

    buulsit New Member

    approx. 10 pies

    how long can this forum last
  7. drew44

    drew44 Well-Known Member

    until seph dies :'(

    who is better at pokemon platinum seph or winterreise?

    seph obviously ;)
  8. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    actionreplay codes infinte health

    who is better infinite health or or one hit kill
  9. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    infinite health because one hit kills make the battles not worth getting into.

    why don't cats like peanut butter stuck in their mouths when dogs don't seem to mind?
  10. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    because haseotod and cjdogger/cjkittykat told them
  11. Pinkpanzer

    Pinkpanzer New Member

    why do dogs just love to stick there heads out of the car window when your driving around yet the absolutley hate it when you blow in there faces ??????????????
  12. Coojy

    Coojy Member

    Chicken sandwhiches can fly

    Y does paper make a frdrddrdrdrddr noise when i blow on it?
  13. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    because they're hurt

    please understand my next sentence.(I'll type it while my the laptop screen is down)

    hdy yoi can you underswtand me
  14. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    because we read a word as a whole and not letter at a time

    Why do cats go totally nuts over a laser light by attacking/awesome acrobatics/and general chasing it about but dogs will just try to eat it?
  15. Coojy

    Coojy Member

    :eek:SHINEY!! :eek:

    Y does anvil taste like green?
  16. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    who knows?

    why is the earth called earth?
  17. geekalot

    geekalot Active Member

    is there a jeebus crust?
    is there really a yellow fay guy called homer?
  18. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Yes he lives in Springfield

    If something goes missing and you didn't notice it was there,was it really there to start with?
  19. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    don't ask your parents okay.*ssshhh I stole it*

    hey police man why did you steal it?
  20. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    i didnt dont look at me noooo!!

    or it was you!?!?!