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ask a stupid question...

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    ...in a place where the shine don't shine

    do you swear?
  2. ab0456

    ab0456 Well-Known Member

    yeah, i do. I solumly swear that i'm up to no good. XD

    did you see what i did there?
  3. ThePaJomaster

    ThePaJomaster New Member

    sure, I was there too

    what would you do if you were in a city full of the same people?
  4. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    id be one of them!

    do u believe in cloning? if so would you clone yourself?
  5. ezrarod

    ezrarod New Member

    Look up dolly the sheep. And we all know how bad clones go, so no.

    What time is it?
  6. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    depends on where you are, for me its 8:12pm (russia)

    whats your favorite meal?
  7. ThePaJomaster

    ThePaJomaster New Member

    Coca Cola :p

    do you have teeth?
  8. doommaker

    doommaker Guest

    Nope....just cavities

    red or blue?
  9. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    navy(its a color)

    would you like to join the army?
  10. Drenas789

    Drenas789 Active Member

    do you like my apples?
  11. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    ...uhh you didn't answer my question so i won't answer yours

    whats your favorite game of all-time
  12. Drenas789

    Drenas789 Active Member

    sorry i forgot to answer your question :(


    do you like babies?
  13. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member


    Have you had the pleasure of eating baby fingers?
  14. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    lol ironicly theres a snack everyone (that is from jordan and syria) calls "asabe' bobo" which is arabic and translates to 'baby fingers', however its orignally name is 'Roshan', so techniqually no, but indirectly yes.

    don't you find ^ ironic?
  15. FulgoreSama

    FulgoreSama Well-Known Member

    I find myself indifferent to the coincidence.

    Isn't it odd how when lightning strikes the ocean that all the fish in the ocean don't die?!?
  16. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    although water conduct electricity, the ocean has TOO much water. with more water then the electricity could ever hope to spread it self with, im sure that some fish are affected, but over time, even electricity in the water loses energy, that and don't forget that the ocean also has ALOT of salt, that makes the water a little less conductible.

    do you think that even makes sense?
  17. doommaker

    doommaker Guest

    It sounded pretty legit...

  18. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    stop, drop, and roll. beat the fire out before it spreads. put a fire blanket (or anothing to prevent the air from circulating araound you).

    if you could sue anyone in the world, who would you sue and why (the reason he/she should be sued for)?
  19. ricapica

    ricapica Active Member

    i would sue people that revive topics like these because they must be stopped.

    Why do you consider this a question?
  20. Myxa

    Myxa New Member

    cause it started with a why and had a question mark at the end

    what the one thing you reget/neglect the most?