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ask a stupid question...

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. ShinChanfan

    ShinChanfan Well-Known Member

    I hate spam, can we go to Texas Steakhouse instead?
  2. FireKuraWolf

    FireKuraWolf New Member


    Was this made from a Quick-Reply?
  3. DaSiofthra

    DaSiofthra Active Member


    does everyone have all the forum codes memorized?
  4. FireKuraWolf

    FireKuraWolf New Member

  5. ab0456

    ab0456 Well-Known Member


    where am I ?
  6. DaSiofthra

    DaSiofthra Active Member

    In a dream.

    Am I going to be tested on this?
  7. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    Hell yeah.

    Why is math so hard?
  8. im so fly

    im so fly New Member

    I like water.
    What did he eat?
  9. workernetGB

    workernetGB Member

    to not be eaten. xD

    why kof series are dying?
  10. DaSiofthra

    DaSiofthra Active Member

    Because we're all dying in the freudian sense of the word.

    Who can save me?
  11. workernetGB

    workernetGB Member

    it's me mario

    why luigi wasn't on mario 64?
  12. MidnightBlade

    MidnightBlade Member

    Because you're a female in disguise wearing several animal suits (under the gorilla suit).

    Why do I love myself so much?
  13. doggy-dj

    doggy-dj Guest

    Because You So Vain!

    Why is the Jee key not warkin?
  14. ShinChanfan

    ShinChanfan Well-Known Member

    Because of pie.

    Why was King of the Hill cancelled? It was my fav show, so much more mature them family guy
  15. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Because it was your favorite show, and they don't want you to be content.

    What number is the smartest?
  16. DaSiofthra

    DaSiofthra Active Member

    42, it's the meaning of life, after all.

    Does this hurt?
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Why does it hurt?
  18. DaSiofthra

    DaSiofthra Active Member

    Because I stabbed you.

    Was it fun??
  19. Boyav

    Boyav Well-Known Member


    derpity derp der, der herp?
  20. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    umm becuase hes Jesus?

    Why would people hate manga?