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ask a stupid question...

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    of course you are right, this IS a stupid questions thread, they don't need that hidious thing called sense, or logic, or understandment..
    do they?
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    The above question used so many letter's that the fiends of the underworld came up and asked why is this and went back to stalking other people who have gramatical difficulties in understanding such phrases in such a short time that they forget what day it is and ask "What time is it"?

    AM I right?
  3. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    no, you used moar wordy inchlings

    whut is tis lan gu yage i am using currently now?
  4. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    It iz teh masta langage of intarweb ninjahs!
  5. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Cause Ninjas cant speak proparly with masks over there face

    Ninja's are awsome?
  6. slayer0854

    slayer0854 Member

    ye but assassins are awsumer my way of spelling awsomer ;D

    Are lions awsume?
  7. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Yeah but Tigers are better

    If you were god what would you do?
  8. Vinse Anget

    Vinse Anget Well-Known Member

    Punch myself for being a lazy c@#%

    How have I been a lazy (Being god of course)?
  9. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    Posting like a crack addict on this forum, of course.

    By the way, who is the crack addict around here?
  10. Vinse Anget

    Vinse Anget Well-Known Member

    Me, obviously

    Is ADM stalking me?
  11. Probably.

    How do you reset the bios on a toughbook cf-29?
  12. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    Blow it up with an A-bomb and then try to reassemble it.

    How do you defuse a (falling) nuclear bomb?
  13. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    say the magic word.

    which is stronger, vampires or werewolves?
  14. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    Neither. The power of over-excited Twilight fans is better.

    Why is the Twilight series so addictive?
  15. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    because everyone loves the moon.

    if van helsing exists in twilight, will he kill edward or jacob?
  16. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    Edward of course. He's a vampire!

    Why didn't New Moon cause any bad controversy?
  17. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member


    Why I'm browsing RomU?
  18. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    Because its the best out of all ROM sites... all the others are phony and unreliable.

    Why is RomU the best?
  19. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Cause it beats the crap out of dashroms.
    Why is Final Destination freaky?
  20. Oteupaiecona

    Oteupaiecona Well-Known Member

    Because it freaks people out.
    Why is my father trying to make my daughter believe Santa Claus is broke this year?