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ask a stupid question...

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Green looks more like shit that Fuschia (No offense to people who like green.)

    Why can't cats kill dogs?
  2. Yarukinasu

    Yarukinasu Well-Known Member

    Because cats have more muscles when you eat it compared to the dogs.

    How come the plants can live longer than insects?
  3. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Plants get their ak 47's out when the insects are trying to eat them.
  4. Jere03

    Jere03 Well-Known Member

    Why are bitches ugly?
  5. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    they were born like jackasses.
    why aren't we supposed to swear?
  6. evannick

    evannick Well-Known Member

    because its bad to swear

    why do we need to eat?
  7. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    or else our brain turns our body off.
    why do we need water
  8. evannick

    evannick Well-Known Member

    so that the red blood cells in our body can do their job

    why isn't there a gamecube to be found in malaysia?
  9. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    some pirates jacked the shipment.

    why cant i download dsi ware in china
  10. Jere03

    Jere03 Well-Known Member

    Because they say NO iluvgtavcs allowed?
    Why are we asking so many questions?
  11. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    so we can get a loooooooooooooot of answers.
    who likes to jack cars in gta?
  12. larryrox

    larryrox Member

    no one
    how come your pretty high rank but no picture? DAMNIT
  13. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Because hes to cool to have a pic....

    Why do only the n00bs care about ranks??
  14. larryrox

    larryrox Member

    because its sexy

    how come i posted a question? Why?
  15. Nick Man

    Nick Man Well-Known Member

    because you answered. because.

    why am I the only insane person here.
  16. Coojy

    Coojy Member

    you is not a sane in for alone

    How do you write the letter 3?
  17. Nick Man

    Nick Man Well-Known Member

    3 is not a letter it is a figure of speech just like 4 and 5.

    How do I start my reign of terror?
  18. black dragon 1

    black dragon 1 Well-Known Member

    By killing yourself. :D

    Which way should Nick Man kill himself?
  19. SonicSantuary

    SonicSantuary Well-Known Member

    i supposer becuse he wants to...

    is thats still a black dragon?
  20. larryrox

    larryrox Member

    no its a white mummy

    how ocome its so obvious but some people STILL have to ask?!!?