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ask a stupid question...

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. SonicSantuary

    SonicSantuary Well-Known Member

    because you going to DIE

    will Gannon be the culprit?
  2. dimitri862

    dimitri862 Member

    in 7 years from know. When i'm an adult and strong enough to fight him.

    Why is public transportation so expensive?
  3. tvrtko

    tvrtko Well-Known Member

    Because people don't pay taxes.
    Do you have a Real Life?
  4. mr snow

    mr snow Well-Known Member

    yes, why yes i do.
    are you insane?
  5. dimitri862

    dimitri862 Member

    who told you!?? I bet it was that damn dishwasher again... he always tells.

    Who else could have told you that?
  6. larryrox

    larryrox Member

    The evil piano
    Post Merge: [time]1257802783[/time]
    why cant my legs stop stretching?
  7. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    that is a question better answered by your doctor

    Why doesn't my psychiatrist return the 47 calls I made to him today?
  8. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    He's on holiday

    where am I?
  9. Omega00

    Omega00 Well-Known Member

    In Griffandir14's psychiatrist's office, over his dead body

    Why did you kill the psychiatrist!?!?!?
  10. Nick Man

    Nick Man Well-Known Member

    Because he was actually a psychologist.
    Why is the world not perfectly round?
  11. 7mike7

    7mike7 Well-Known Member

    the world's fattest man

    why are you here?
  12. s.m

    s.m New Member

    because i have nothin better to do

    Why are you so ugly
  13. Nick Man

    Nick Man Well-Known Member

    Because of non sequitur.

    Why are you not so ugly
  14. Omega00

    Omega00 Well-Known Member

    Because I'm so ruggedly good looking

    when you look in the mirror, what do you think?
  15. MerchantGhost

    MerchantGhost Member

    I think about why I bought a black mirror.

    Where can I find a software upgrade for my Mecha Panda?
  16. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    in the movie transformers

    did i even understand what you said?
  17. MerchantGhost

    MerchantGhost Member

    Probably, yes.

    "Why won't my parakeet eat my diarrhea?" <~The original stupid question.
  18. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    because if it did, you will die out of grossness..ess....ess....

    why is that the "original stupid question"?
  19. MerchantGhost

    MerchantGhost Member

  20. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    your whole life, if your lucky

    why is romu forums nearly empty?