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ask a stupid question...

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. ir4

    ir4 Well-Known Member

    Q. how come ice princess didn't post a Q.
  2. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    A: Because she didn't read the rules properly (HINT, HINT!)

    Q: Why is ir4 called ir4?
  3. larryrox

    larryrox Member

    because they thot 4 sounded cool so they tried putting more letters

  4. 7mike7

    7mike7 Well-Known Member

    because you confused the hell out of me

    what is my middle name!?
  5. larryrox

    larryrox Member


    who created halloween... a really fat guy or pilgrims?
  6. 7mike7

    7mike7 Well-Known Member

    a fat pilgrim

    who invented pizza?
  7. Amelia Leeming

    Amelia Leeming Well-Known Member

    A: Me!

    Q: What's the name of the game?
  8. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    Just ask a stupid question

    Why am I still here?
  9. 7mike7

    7mike7 Well-Known Member

    because you think the guys here are hot

    why is k9112009 gay?
  10. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    Cuz I'm not.

    Why are you sooo interested in my social life?
  11. 7mike7

    7mike7 Well-Known Member

    because my turkey wants to know

    who is the king of ohio?
  12. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    Sitting Bull

    Who is the supreme overlord of this lonely planet?
  13. larryrox

    larryrox Member

    the evil monkeys

    If planet of the apes were real... wouldn't the monkeys fry up? they were on mars right?
  14. 7mike7

    7mike7 Well-Known Member


    isn't mars further from the sun than earth?
  15. k9112009

    k9112009 Well-Known Member

    No, it's an imaginary planet. You're talking about the planet Nibiru.

    What is the meaning of life?
  16. larryrox

    larryrox Member

    thats what NASA WANTS u to think

    if u could be lance armstrong, would you bring a really hot girl instaed of buzz aldrin?
    Post Merge: [time]1257696755[/time]
  17. 7mike7

    7mike7 Well-Known Member

    yes, i am not gay

    is yellow really a color?
  18. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    No.... Its a state of mind....

    Why are we close to 150 pages??
  19. black dragon 1

    black dragon 1 Well-Known Member

    Because you post so much stupid questions. :p

    Why is it dark outside?
  20. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Because your blind....

    How can we use sonar??