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ask a stupid question...

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by Loonylion, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. tvrtko

    tvrtko Well-Known Member

    Because kisses are too long.
    I can has cheeseburgers?
  2. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member



    Why are there cows??
  3. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Because people can squeeze white stuff outta them.

    What if milk is semen...
  4. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Then everyone whould be gay....

    Why are people wondering whats gonna happen on 2012
  5. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Because they are either scientists or devout religious guys *ahem* or ancient shamans...

    Why do they freak out?
  6. Stardan

    Stardan Active Member

    coz theur mad

    what happenz wehn mario tries to stop metal gear
  7. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Metal Gear doesn't exist thanks to Snake.

    IF your are talking about mario stopping snake... Mario is dead meat.

    WHAT happenz when the Shagohod fires beeg missle into US?
  8. roarchin

    roarchin New Member

    then...the president...will...urr...say...'oh noes' (i didn't even understand what you asked)

    is austin powers sexy?
  9. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    No because the same guy plays as fat bastard

    Why would snake totally crush mario... then totally get crushed by Luigi?
  10. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Cause Luigi knows the Tabuu dance.
    And sorry, If Mario wants to stop metal gear, he'll use a flaming kamehameha on it.

    Y duz Griffandir14 fawl don a wot?



    It's : Why does Griffandir14 fall down a lot?

    Dumbass little brother...
  11. Dark-Zero

    Dark-Zero Well-Known Member

    I don't know.

    Why iam not in pink army?
  12. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Because hope is more fun

    Why does my Avatar(Young Ryu from BoF2) fall down a lot?
  13. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    who wouldnt when they are carrying a stick and wavin it around?
    (^serves as Q&A)
  14. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    me thats who...

    . .
  15. dimitri862

    dimitri862 Member

    Zelda wouldn't.

    Did you see that thing in the air? It's not a bird, not an airplane, ...

    (Sorry Gavilatius, you asked no question)
  16. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    why should i?
  17. tvrtko

    tvrtko Well-Known Member

    Because Beavis and Butthead will punish you.
    Can you give me an ride?
  18. SonicSantuary

    SonicSantuary Well-Known Member

    hell no!

    why should i give anyone a ride?


    because of sonic
  20. SonicSantuary

    SonicSantuary Well-Known Member

    no question?

    whats with that?