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Art Academy AP Topic (Includes Patched ROM)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Kiekoes, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. luthorcorp92

    luthorcorp92 Well-Known Member

    Does not work on dstt.
  2. Abbafan1972

    Abbafan1972 Well-Known Member

    Doesn't work for me either. I just get a white screen.
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Dose work on dstt and ysmenu you need retros v6.42


    Also you need a clean ROM only
  4. Jeff217

    Jeff217 Active Member

    by clean rom, you mean the eu version or jap?
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Both version's work

    I have YSMenu v6.42 on my R4 and no problems with that!
  6. Abbafan1972

    Abbafan1972 Well-Known Member

    I can't get it work on DSTTi at all.
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    What happens ?

    Did you replace infolib/extinfo/ttpatch.dat into the ttmenu folder, from Retro's latest

    EDIT: try replacing this ttpatch.dat into the ttmenu folder and let us know


    Backup your original from the ttmenu folder
  8. Abbafan1972

    Abbafan1972 Well-Known Member

    I have tried all different things and also replaced the file in your post. I get a white screen using the YS menu and "Rom loading error" when I use the DSTT menu.
  9. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    errcode is infolib.dat and needs the latest to prevent errcode

    What card are you using for YSMenu ? - if R4 please say what type original are clone type
  10. Abbafan1972

    Abbafan1972 Well-Known Member

    I am using DSTTi. Not sure what firmware I should be using though. I have 1.17, 1.17a and 1.18 saved on my laptop.
  11. Abbafan1972

    Abbafan1972 Well-Known Member

  12. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

  13. luthorcorp92

    luthorcorp92 Well-Known Member

    Game is not worth it. It is very boring.
  14. Abbafan1972

    Abbafan1972 Well-Known Member

    Have managed to get it to work now. (Not sure how!)
  15. omejeci

    omejeci New Member

    Tried this on M3i Zero, firmware 4.8.
    The patched version loads, you can start the tutorial bit, but it then freezes before you can finish the tutorial.
    The unpatched version doesn't seem to work, since I only get the "DLDI Compatible" screen and nothing further.

    I've just found out there's a firmware update, so I'm going to report back once I get the firmware updated and see if this rom works or not.

    Anyway, thanks Kiekoes. :) I've been wanting to try out Art Academy ever since I saw the trailer on tv, hehe.

    I've updated the firmware to version 4.9 (M3i Zero). Unfortunately, both patched and unpatched versions do not work. I now get the "DLDI Compatible" screen for both versions. And then nothing.
  16. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Is the text messed up or something?