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Are you asking for World War 3?

Discussion in 'General News' started by branraf, Apr 18, 2009.

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  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I see two main possibilities for WW3 starting at the moment. One is that North Korea will start it, the other is that the Pakistani Taliban succeed in toppling the Pakistani government and get their hands on Pakistan's nukes
  2. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Wonder if war will happen will I meet Loonylion and others in battlefield?
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    nope, I'm medically exempt from joining the armed forces.
  4. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Sadly the son he has picked to succeed him seems to be as bad if not worse. I hate to say it but I think military intervention is needed in N. Korea. Preferably by China.
  5. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Hope it didn't happen.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    military intervention in a situation like the current one would be a very dangerous gamble.
  7. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member


    What if they mistake other for enemy while they aren't enemy?That is a big fear for everyone.
  8. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's what he meant...
    But if it starts a war, it might go to a world-wide scale
  9. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Will I meet you then tuna?You tuna using a gun.I'm using a shotgun.How unfair it is.
  10. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Unlikely, N. Korea only has China as an ally, and even that is in doubt now, the Chinese were very quick to sign the UN sanctions against N. Korea.
  11. icelol

    icelol Active Member

    World War 3.
    North Korea + Pakistan eh?
    Well it is gonna be them verses the rest of the world, what are their chances? o_O
  12. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I'm in Canada, and Canada only participates in wars where the USA participates only
  13. icelol

    icelol Active Member

    You think the US is not going to be a part of this?
    Well I live in Australia don't think war is going to get this far.
  14. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Bah we never know, Obama might take a more pacific way to end the war
  15. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Not in N. Korea. China would go nuts, and they would be likely to block any UN forces getting involved. It would be best for everyone including the N. Koreans if China dealt with this problem alone.
  16. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Well South Korea might team up with China or something
  17. icelol

    icelol Active Member

    I highly doubt it. Since my family is Chinese and they have a satellite installed they watch Chinese news and there isn't a lot of news rights in China so what I'm hearing about China saying "no" to North Korea is pretty clear.
  18. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    Well i do actually agree about the fact military intervention is coming more of an necessity, at the moment it's not going to be long before someone does something stupid. I suppose to relate to you, think of military intervention in North Korea as the the story behind call of duty 4. It's practically the same scenario, a country with no allies and very little to lose in possession of nuclear weapons, what's going to happen?
  19. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Well, it is one way to reduce world population. I saw a post somewhere in this topic that also said that. The world is getting overcrowded fast/soon.

    One drawback, not even caused by you, and you give up? Weak. If you're going to die anyway, you might as well do it for your country. Make yourself useful and maybe realize that war isn't as bad as you think it is (it's bad, but not that bad). And realize that there's more to life than war and fear.
  20. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I lol'ed.

    I meet death back-on, moving as fast as I can away from it. Only idiots think there's honor in dying for their country. And there's always a way out.
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