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Are you affected by sins you have committed in games in real life?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by markswan, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    No I haven't gotten my belief that homosexuality is wrong from the bible, which is why I don't quote the bible like you do. And I eat all kinds of foods only because I chose to do so, but eating proper following the words stated in the passage you mentioned would save a lot of lives, I just chose not to.
  2. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Okay, so why do you believe homosexuality is inherently wrong? What has led you to this belief, if not the Bible?
  3. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    The fact that I believing falling in love with another man as a man or falling in love with another woman if you're a woman is just disgusting. I have guy friends, but I just can't see myself liking a man like that because first off, something has to be wrong when we both can't produce a kid, and second I believe everyone should abstain from sex before marriage and since marriage by law, was created for man and woman that also stands that something again is wrong, I use the bible to back up my belief as I know having sex outside of marriage is wrong, has very bad consequences, even if you don't see them now. Many woman complain about how men use them, but if they never dropped their pants in the first place, then what is their to use except company, conversation etc things most horny men aren't willing to settle with. And my belief is not that homosexuality is wrong, we have to make clear that term is very broad, so to put it into a stricter form, I would say homosexual behaviours mainly among humans, why because it involves many things such as sexual abuse, false love, you know psychological problems. I'm not saying this is the fact of the matter I'm just saying these are some causes of homosexual behaviour because I know some people believe they are born that way, and in that case I will use the Bible to draw example to the story of the man filled with many demons and when he was spoken to he said, I am legend, meaning many and these demons were cast into swine and they jumped into the sea. This covers two points possession in humans and in animals when it comes to homosexual behaviour. Because it is possible, it's just that many people that don't have the knowledge thing it to be magic and a load of crap but you see I am open to all views, while still keeping mines, I understand why atheists are the way they are while still telling them why I am the way I am, non of us have facts that we are right but it's my job to tell them my side to the story so their blood will not be on my hands.
  4. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I assume you mean "The fact is, that I believe falling in love with another man as a man or falling in love with another woman as a man is just disgusting." The way you have phrased it sounds like you find your own beliefs disgusting! :p

    I never suggested you should, I merely quoted scripture, I personally don't believe the Bible to be a source of truth, merely a source of guidance.

    None of the 4 books of the apostles, supposed to be as close to Jesus' words as anything, say anything about sex outside marriage. In fact, it is well established that Jesus was a close friend of a known whore. What parts of the Bible are you using to back up this belief that;
    1) Marriage can only be between a man and a woman
    2) Sex outside a marriage is wrong?

    The flip side of this question is what use are men other than to produce new children, what use is any human?

    In your first and third quotes you more or less say just that. I may have misunderstood you, please tell me what you meant by them if I have.

    You believe homosexual behaviour is caused by sexual abuse, false love and psychological problems? How did you join these things up? What makes you think this is true?

    What makes you think that homosexuals are possessed and not Christians or Muslims or Jews or Buddhists or Hindus or any group of people which act differently to any other group? I also don't see how either of the stories you very briefly outlined pertain to homosexual behaviour. As for homosexuals being born the way they are, I think that that is true, usually they are that way because they have basically been born with the brain of the opposite sex, at least in the areas that govern sexual attraction, so in that way at least, homosexuality is natural.

    What knowledge? Knowledge of what?

    The fact that you say "I understand why atheists are the way they are" shows that you honestly don't even understand what an atheist is. You might understand why one or a handful of people chose atheism, but you can't possibly understand why any atheist chose his or her path. I'm sure you probably think I am an atheist, but you'd be wrong on that front.
  5. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Well if your going to take an hour to analyse everything I say then nothing I say seems to be appreciated but at least you try to understand rather than the other people here. So first off knowledge of how we were all created, that's what I meant when I said knowledge. And where have I seen sex with the same sex is wrong, you have quoted one passage but since I don't read the bible, I can't give you another, and sex outside of marriage is wrong, I know it's in there, I've read it before but can't tell you specifically where it is sorry, but you do have a point on the how am I so sure I'm not possessed idea. But what I have to say to that is, certain things just feel wrong don't it, even if you believe in God, or not. But I know you're going to analyse that statement also so I won't even bother, its like we're going nowhere, in the end I don't know everything, I'm not perfect, neither are you, but my responsibility is to give you my views, and you the same. In the end we must all find a way to better ourselves and if we find doing certain things put our society to ruin then we must find a way to put an end to it or at least control it.
  6. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    The reason I dissected your post is because it was very long and had many interesting points in it which I wanted to address separately.

    No one has knowledge of how we were created. That is an unanswered question to which there are several theories. Some say we were designed as we are now, some say we were started off with some basic properties and evolved into what we are now and still others believe that we weren't created by anything, rather are an incidental byproduct of a natural force.

    It certainly is in there, my problem is there are certain other things in the bible that are ignored because they aren't convenient or whatever.

    I'm not interested in getting knowledge from you, I'm more interested in how you come by your beliefs. I think you need to go back and read the bible with a more critical mind. It contradicts itself in many places, so if you're going to derive your philosophy from it, you should make sure that the parts you believe in are from the same source. If you believe that the writers of Leviticus were right, that's fine, but you can't also believe that they were wrong because another author wrote something else, see what I mean? To be honest I believe the main problem with most societies today is the pursuit of personal wealth, homosexuality is having no adverse effects of society.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Oh, we tried to understand you, then you sputtered some non sense about biology and then you said some contradictions.

    You're all saying that being gay is disgusting from the perspective of a straight guy, of course you won't understand why a man loves and is physically attracted to another man because you're not gay, to your interpretation, it's disgusting. It's natural to be gay (if you are) it's not a choice or a psychological 'defect' (debatable). Animals are gay, what does that mean? Maybe it's natural, wat no wai!

    What about women/men who can't reproduce?

    As gaynorvader said, homosexuality has no adverse effects on society whatsoever, it's a misconception to think that it is dangerous to society. It's not contagious, they're not dangerous, and they're still people.
  8. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Maybe at the moment homosexuality has no effects on society but what about later on, like in the beginning teen parents had no immediate effect on society but we know now that it has, coupled with teens literally growing up too fast in the sexual aspect of relationships. But you're right about me reading the bible more though, I'll give you that and main problem being societies pursuit of personal wealth after all the bible said money is the root of all evil.
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    What are the adverse effects of teen parenting on society?

    As far as the sexual aspect of teen parenting, it's already too late to try and 'prevent' it.

    I'm all for sexual education and all that, I prefer that over a society the goes and hates a women because she had premarital sex and is pregnant because of it. If preventing underaged pregnancy means encouraging sex to a certain degree, I'm all for it. Sex's side effects are STI's and pregnancy, but you don't get that every time. To condemn someone because of something like sex, that's as natural as eating, that's ridiculous. It's a lot better to me if we educate everyone about preventing diseases and preventing pregnancy, instead of them finding out the hard way.

    Atleast when they find out about pregnancy or STI's it's their own fault, they either HAVE to deal with it or do nothing. Either way, it's a bad thing.

    Hate causes nothing but more hate. Hating gays causes more adverse effects than just being gay.
  10. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Well sex in the moral sense was not meant for enjoyment with every living soul including animals, so why state that you're all for encouraging teenage sex to curb pregnancy. And it's too late to prevent but not too late to reverse and effects on society, consider the strain it has on some societies when their is an extra mouth to feed in the house hold, the grand parents burden, the stigma, the pressure a teen has to go through having a child. Then if she isn't pregnant but isn't a virgin, men wanting to use her for that one moment, seriously you're all for that negativity. Tell me what are the positives of teen sex.
  11. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Homosexuality will never cause problems in society, it has been accepted in many different societies throughout history and never caused problems. Money is not the root of all evil, money is inanimate, man (by which i mean mankind, men and women) is the root of all evil. And yet, man is also the root of all good, for without evil there can be no good.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Sex can be used for enjoyment though, it's natural for a human to have sexual urges, we're not allowed to act upon that? We're not the only ones who do this, dolphins also have sex for enjoyment.

    I know the whole dealio with teen pregnancy, I was pregnant when I was 16. It's a lot better now than it was back then, people would kill over premarital sex, societies would shun them, or parents would disown their own children for it (some love they have, I guess). Some would go even as far to abort their child by unsafe needs and die by it.

    Would you rather someone live with an STI and eventually die by it or spread it around further, or would you rather have someone get an STI, get educated, and get it treated?

    I see society accepting sex a lesser of evils. Accepting teen sex is a lot better than hating it and hating the teens that are pregnant.

    To add on gaynorvader's point, I don't see money the root of all evil, I see that intolerance or ignorance is the root of evil.
  13. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    But you just stated wealth the problem is the pursuit of personal wealth now you're saying money/wealth isn't the root of all evil. See there's no winning with you people. And I believe sooner rather than later homosexuality will have a negative effect on society. We just can't predict the future so you can't say it will NEVER have a negative effect like if this is the truth.
    Post Merge: [time]1266014477[/time]
    Well I don't think dolphins other than humans have moral backings, this is why I stated morality.
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Personal wealth doesn't mean money.

    People will never stop being gay, never ever, it's natural. Changing people's perspectives about the gay community is a lot more doable.

  15. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Well once there is the devil then people will never also stop being criminals, we just have to accept it when we come home to see our family buggered and all personal wealth gone.
  16. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    The pursuit of wealth is the main problem in society, you can't have a society without humans, so you can't take them out. To blame money for all the evils in the world is irresponsible. I never claimed that money itself was the root of all evil.

    It's true that noone can see into the future, but based on past events, we have nothing to fear from accepting homosexuality in our society. That's what I base my predictions of the future on, what are you basing your predictions on?
  17. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    My belief that acceptance of a certain 'evil' leads to further 'evils' after all, criminals are accepted once we are not directly affected by them, just as we can accept a gay man as long as he isn't trying to get with me or a lesbian if my wife doesn't leave me for one.
  18. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    So you would label homosexuality as evil, why? Why is their way evil and heterosexuality not? Because the majority are heterosexual? If that is the logic, then lying must be fine as most people do it and telling the truth all the time must be evil as there are very few if any who do so.
  19. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    I put evil in inverted commas. You figure out what I mean by that.
  20. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    sinful? inherently wrong?