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Are you affected by sins you have committed in games in real life?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by markswan, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Well I would presume (perhaps wrongly) that your beliefs are based on a religion. I was wondering if it was Judaism or Christianity, I'm not sure if there are any others which are inherently anti-gay. If it is either of these, do you also keep kosher? Because, using the Bible as a source, both the passage claiming homosexuality is a sin and the eating of unclean meats as a sin are to be found in Leviticus. I notice that there are many Christians that view gays to be evil but don't keep kosher, and I've yet to find one who can adequately explain this discrepency.
  2. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Well my beliefs aren't based on a religion, religion to me is a grouping. So you have Christians, and they are separated into Catholics, Anglicans, Pentecostals etc. So on the question on religion, just to settle it, I'm Christian, which is a broad term, but for me it means, that I believe Jesus is my Lord and saviour. He came to this earth to wash away all our sins due to the disobedience of Adam and Eve. However I know someone said, the whole concept of peace and joy collide with ant-gay beliefs, but you have to remember, the Bible said to love all men, do not love his ways or deeds, but the person them self, this is how God is able to love us all, criminals, rapists, homosexual male and females. So if I come off as being "down with the gays" that is merely front. I'm not going to go around killing gay people. I'll be sinning myself. Also the point about believing gays are evil, it's not the people that are evil, it is their ways, just like a criminal possess evil ways. It is also my belief, that demons are all around us and they influence or at least try, the decisions we make, so when a gay person says they were born that way, I believe it is may be true, probably were possessed from birth because the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. He doesn't want people to see the truth so I know after I say this someone will laugh or say I'm talking rubbish or something, but most the times when you do the right thing people see you as foolish until the truth is revealed and even then they might still doubt you. So in closing, I'm against gay, acts, deeds, behaviours etc. I'm not a "kill all gays" guy, and Christianity is not the only religion to speak of this belief that homosexuality is wrong, Muslims believe the same and so do Hindus. Man and woman are just made to be with each other, so this whole, I can fall in love with someone of the same sex is just crazy, I mean, people look for excused to get out of everything and make life easier, but I rather do it the way I feel is right, like waiting until I get married to have sex. What's so wrong with that? It's not like I'm hideous, so when I tell girls, especially american women, the nasty ones, I get cursed at. Why? Because I chose to be as pure as possible? But thank God for the wise people of this earth that see my purity as a gift, because I rather be a virgin that a man that can't keep it in my pants going around hurting good women. Possibly turning them away from men all together. Anyway yea that's all I got to say for now.
  3. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm sure waiting for marriage is the reason you're a virgin.

    I wonder how we all came to be if Adam and Eve's children had to perform incest in order for anyone else to exist. Unless theres another crazy magical explanation for that. Sorry I'm ignorant of the ignorance.
  4. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Well, how else you expected the earth to be populated, I don't know, but hear what, when you die, if you get into heaven, you ask God that question, because I am not God.
  5. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Incest would have created retarded children, which means we are the retard offspring, which means we must have been godlike back in their days, I bet they could calculate pi like it wasnt shit.

    It sucks being retarded
  6. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Actually that belief that having sex with your sister or mother gives birth to retarded children every single time is false. yes at times, some children come out with diseases, due to no genetic variation between the chromosomes, it's like having an entire field of cloned wheat, they will all be susceptible to death if a they come in contact with a dangerous bacteria or mite. That's the most basic I can put it, honestly. You'll have to do A Level Biology to get the full picture, or just read up on it if you so wish. However if you believe you are a retard spawn you have surely proved it with the line "I'm ignorant of the ignorance". This line makes no sense as it means you are lacking knowledge of the lack of knowledge. Sorry to make it out to the world.
  7. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Riiiight... like being a heroic pervert on the Game would make me all the more perverted in real life... :p , It's just a game after all.
  8. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    Sin Harvest.................
  9. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    I think you need to learn a little bit more about Biology...

    First of all, cloning is different compared to inbreeding (incest reproduction). Vastly different. Cloning is all about making an organism with a same genetic copy as the original through non-sexual means. In regards of vegetation (such as wheat), it involves taking cells (usually from the root), and placing them in nutrient-rich culture, which then form into calluses. And from calluses (if successful), a cloned plant is born. Read it all about here.

    Inbreeding through incest however is a reproduction process through sexual means, in which an infant is born from genetic DNA of close relatives within the family. And the reason why birth defects are so common in inbreeding is due to a larger frequency of homozygotes, in which recessive genes that are responsible for birth defects become more common.

    Also, one more note, you totally missed the point of Littlekill's statement: "I'm ignorant of the ignorance." He means he doesn't share the same knowledge of stupid people (which he would be referring to you.) Sadly, you proved Littlekill's point with your "knowledge" in Biology.
  10. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    hmm... no. it's just a video game anyway, it may be a virtual reality but still it's far from reality, so to answer the question is no.
  11. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    I know all about that I was just trying to thee him the broad idea in a basic form, if I did what you did that is googling for information then copy pasting, he might not get the idea, and as for him saying 'I don't share the same knowledge as stupid people', if someone lacks knowledge on a specific topic, this will never make them stupid. After all little kill might have knowledge on making up wacky phrases but I have knowledge on getting more girls than him. That don't mean he's stupid in reference to females, just means he's ignorant to an extent.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This topic has gone off topic...and yet hypr STILL wins!
  13. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I like how he believes that he has knowledge in the first place. Let alone knowledge to 'get more girls than me'.
  14. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    I don't have to believe....I know this...I mean seriously look at your avatar...look at mines...that's a simple idea of how women prone I am...seeing that I sport one of the best rock bands BFMV, a band girls respond to, if rock is there thing off course but then again, I sport all music genres and in the end we have nothing to prove to each other, you're just very bold faced and asinine for my part.
  15. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    No, your "broad idea in basic form" of reproduction was scientifically false to begin with, which is why Littlekill and I are rejecting it. As for the information I presented, that was basic stuff I learned from my high-school and college Biology classes. Every Biology class (if taught right) that covers cloning and reproduction covers what I just presented.

    The more you keep addressing to Littlekill's statement with your poor rebuttal (as you evidently show that you still have yet to understand it), the more you are digging yourself into a deeper hole. Would you perhaps prefer Littlekill to shovel the dirt back on with you in it?

    Yeah, you certainly demonstrated that well. Especially in your post right here...

    PROTIP: If you are pissing women off, you're not being successful in terms of getting them at all.

    Wow, you make such an assumption based on a forum avatar. If you think forum avatars reflect the members here in terms of personality or ability to pick up women, you are sorely mistaken.

    Take for example, Seph who has an avatar that says "Admin". Does that say anything about his ability to attract females? Or what about MitsukaixXx who has a Jimmy Hendrix avatar? Can you determine anything about his relationship with females in that matter?

    It's quite ironic that you are accusing Littlekill of being asinine, when your statements are just as ridiculous.
  16. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    No I'm just saying your avatar reflects your self, something you like or identify with, hence if you identify with a gay avatar then most likely not necessarily you are gay. But in the end these are all my views, so you're being just as ridiculous for putting me down because of it. You really think you're doing anything to me by going through all that trouble.
  17. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    I say this discussion is done as you demonstrate that you have no idea what you are talking about. You keep contradicting yourself, which is the reason why your "views" are getting ridiculed in the first place. Good day to you, sir!
  18. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    So because I don't take my time to think through what I say before I post it I don't know what I'm talking about. I must say you don't know what you're talking about when you come down on me because I have better things to do that make my self 100% clear, I figured with such "intelligence" you can read between the lines or correct my mistakes for me and understand what I'm talking about, after all I don't take everything you say as fact I just read two lines and state another point. Normal
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    How the hell did you make your way from condemning the gays to condemning women? I believe this quote is relevant:

    And I assume this is where you get the idea that homosexuality is wrong:

    But does that not mean that you should follow the words written in Leviticus11:1-47?
  20. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Looks like you found your problem right there.

    You must be trying to be ironic here. Or perhaps you are just trolling.

    I already did. I corrected your mistake on your assumption of cloning and reproduction through incest. As for understanding however, you absolutely make no sense. I think Gaynorvader's post above proves my point.

    And by doing so, you make a complete fool out of yourself.

    I suppose this is replacing your "No homo" ending to your posts. Which again is ironic. Stupidity and ignorance by the way, isn't considered to be 'normal' at all.