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Are you affected by sins you have committed in games in real life?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by markswan, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. namenick

    namenick Well-Known Member

    Yes, I agree with you...
    it's a damn video game...
    something I have the opposite problem instead...
    I'm not enough "bad" in playing some videogame (ex. black or white)
    but, I'm "guilty" too
    in Morrowind I stolen everything from NPCs house and dungeon
    (and for making this better I have to drink lot of "Skooma")
    I'm a "drunk cleaner"

  2. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    I do not affected, since "it just a game".
    As long it doesn't happen in real life, rest assure.
  3. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I enjoy games that allow me to be good vs evil. Because I become like Satan himself.

    In real life? I am nice to people I like and those I don't. Well I'm not.
  4. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Ahahahaha! I should do that one'a these days...!

    If video games really affected players that much, my parents should be munching down on glowing pills in a dark room while chasing ghosts and trying to eat them.
  5. bunnybag

    bunnybag Well-Known Member

    Nah, what I do in the games I play don't affect me at all.

    Like with Oblivion I get bored and go around killing all the npcs, looting everything I can and slashing their dead bodies. Doesn't mean I have any urges to do that IRL.

    I couldn't even kill a rat IRL. The idea is gross and I don't think I can take anything's life like that, unless it's a small spider.
  6. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    I think it's true that all actions have reactions and your actions in a game do affect your life in some way. Don't you think? Maybe not for all but for some people yes they see the consequences right away, it's just the entire planet has literally become demoralised. Honestly if it had no affect on you, why would it be rated 17+ etc, due to some affect you playing the game will have on society.
  7. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Yes. If you consider little slip ups as sins. That note you missed on that last EBA song, that errand you forgot to run in GTA, that herb you left laying in RE, then yes.

    I do have this tendency of having the same mistake in life, missing notes in gigs and jams, forgetting to do something when I was told to, and leaving things all over the house.

    But that's pretty much it, to no worser degree do my in-game sins affect my real life.
  8. DB_Odin

    DB_Odin Well-Known Member

    if im playing online i dont try to piss people off, i treat others how i want to be treated. But an npc doesnt have feelings ( i think? )
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It's not demoralizing if you're doing it to fictional characters, they don't exist. That's like smacking your imaginary friend except more visible. OH SHIT.

    Granted that I've always had a vain sense of humor, but I don't give two shits about punching someone out in Mass Effect for looking at me funny. I'd give many shits if I did it in real life, but I like to act that way in video games because it's outside the norm and because it's NOT REALITY. Aren't we allowed to view worlds outside of reality? Yes? Well we're also allowed to view the choices we take in games, negative or positive.

    Games are rated M or 18+ usually because of it's violence or sexual content, not because of what you do in the game will effect society in some nonsensical way. They're also rated M or 18+ so the chance of little kiddies getting projected views of violence and sex is lowered, if those kiddies see them, it's up to the parents, video games do not cause violence. Moral choices in video games effect nothing in the real world, there is little to no consequences to what you do in the real world in contrast to video games. If they do effect society or give you a consequence in real life, you've become too involved in video games.

    Especially if you're the one to guilt yourself that the thing you did is horrible.
  10. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I try to be evil in Mass Effect 2, but I just can't. It's not my nature.
  11. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    Same here, although i want to make a bad choice, it just hard.
  12. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    no..... again i dont affected by sin in general or guilt since i'm a "what done, its done" kind of person.
  13. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    this is good. here is what i say and i say this from play fallout3 people who have proplems being evil in a game dont have proplems in real life. it shows that the person care for every thing that lives. video game or not.

    now this can mean a lot of things. but i think it more to that it is againts there nature to do that in real life. so in a way yes but then it just a game so no.

    but this does not apply to all games. one game is gta 4. yes there are a few parts that you can deside for a person to live or die. and even tho you play as a good guy you still kill people.

    more or less i think this would go with games like fable 2 masseffect fall out 3 or and role playing game where you can descied to walk the path of good or evil.
  14. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I am the devil reincarnate in ME2. It's quite hilarious.
  15. philip4695

    philip4695 Member

    I see what you mean, like in 'Scribblenauts' when you could just block of something with a wall but instead you 'Chop off its head' or 'Set it on fire'!!!
  16. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Sorry if you find this question offensive, but are you not pro-gay because of your religion, or because you've had a bad experience with gays or for a different reason altogether?

    In response to OP:

    IMO games are a vent for all the carp that builds up inside of you from real life. If you're running around slaughtering anyone your avatar can get his/her hands on then I would assume that you have a lot of stress to work out. Obviously I could be wrong, but that's usually the way it works for me, I'll end up shouting at the characters in the game instead of at the person who ticked me off.
  17. r3klaw

    r3klaw Member

    Absolutely not. And I always play my games to be the worst person possible. Because really, you know you would in real life if you could.

    p.s I'm not endorsing all the bad stuff you do in games. I'm just saying if I could (and not be thrown in jail/killed/etc..) I would.
  18. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    In response to the pro gay, I'm not too sure on what pro gay means but if it means against homosexual actions and behaviour, then yes, but due not to my religion but my belief and faith. Religion is something I don't want to get into, no matter your religion your focus should be the same, peace, joy, you know the works right...no need to explain.
  19. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    yayay religion = peace and joy but lets just hate the gays
  20. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    The concepts of peace and joy, and intolerance towards a group of people (in this case, gays) contradict each other...

    By the way, being pro gay means you support gays.