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Are you a Mac or PC?

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by CloudBoy101, Dec 22, 2007.

  1. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    It pretty much determines what type of person you are. If you love gaming and like screwing around with the inside of your computer, tweaking it up and all that, then your a PC. If you like A/V and like to sped loads of money getting it fixed all the time, then a Mac's for you.

    All in all, consoles are the best when it comes to gaming (obviously)
  2. Patton

    Patton Guest

    I used Apple for Audio/Video editing, mostly Audio, and they were perfect for what they did.

    I wouldn't use an Apple for a home-based computer though.

  3. wiirdos

    wiirdos Member

    I personaly think that MACs have much smoother operating systems, and are at less risk to get hacked than PC's. They also kick ass If you make videos and music. HOWEVER they also suck ass because they aren't frickin' compatible with anything good!!! *like games* but only if they somehow became better with games, had a sale once in a while :eek: (what a concept) and were compatible with ALL file types, THEN I would submit to the almighty MACINTOSH. But I do think that their MACBOOKs are a hell a-lot better than PC laptops (how often do you install games on a laptop? seriously...) ;D
  4. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Many people prefer PC than MAC...
  5. xyzzy

    xyzzy Member

    I have a PC...


    ...With Linux.

    *gets shot*

    What can I say, I like having the same visual effects as sad, pathetic Vista users while having <1 GB of RAM. Is that a problem? :p
  6. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    You can run Windows on a Mac though.

    I'm PC For now but things could change in the future.
  7. personally, I'm a human, but I like pc's more for the obvious reasons
  8. nameroc

    nameroc Member

    Personally, I use PCs. Not because they're better or more powerful or more flexible, it's just that they're easier to come by and cheaper for both purchasing and upgrading later down the road. As for OS, I use both Windows XP and Linux with dual-boot on one of my machines and on VMWare on another with XP as host.
  9. ravenkill

    ravenkill New Member

    the best purpose of a mac is the a/v dont try to play game on a mac its shit if you want to play game than the best choice is the pc
  10. Ichigo Tenshou

    Ichigo Tenshou Well-Known Member

    They macs look flash But mac are for work stuff not GAMING and PC is for gaming and stuff like that.
    there like oppisite twins sort of but macs are worse.thats what i think
  11. nodsno

    nodsno New Member

    apples are designed for people who dont know how to use computers.

    This isn't a negative.
  12. mastersrp

    mastersrp Well-Known Member

    i have never ever had a single crash or BOSD on my pc. i see no reason to change.
  13. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    i prefer pcs because they have more compatibility with games, nothing more, and i don't like macs because everyone i know uses pcs, so i wouldn't do a thing with them. plus, macs are hell harder to upgrade.

    but, i recognize that macs are better than pcs, and that the windows almost everyone uses is a mac based operative system.
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Wrong, the GUI idea came from apple, who in turn stole it from someone else (Xerox I think). Both OSes orginated from Unix though.
  15. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Ive only ever had PC at home, and im likely to keep my laptop PC for while yet. Still deciding if I should get a desktop PC or mac when I start my digital design, but I think ill go for mac tbh.
  16. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I read it was from Xerox.
  17. lilblkridinhood

    lilblkridinhood Well-Known Member

    im a pc kinda guy, but to me a Mac is for people who work, like business men, and university people, because they got everything they need, but Pc's are more of for your enjoyment, and maybe sometimes to do some work, and PC's are definatly the ones to choose if your gonna do illegal stuff :p ;) but thats just me opinion, it may be wrong
  18. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone seen the commercials for Mac here in the States (for their computers)? They bash the PC in every one I've seen. Well, Vista anyways. Even most of us PC users don't like Vista! Something deep in my heart pisses me off every time I watch those adds. :p
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    try this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYecfV3ubP8

    the original mac commercial
  20. Ichigo Tenshou

    Ichigo Tenshou Well-Known Member

    I prefer pc because its like better lol

    PC all the way.