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Are people that use guns/knives/any weapons to kill cowards?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by iluvgtavcs, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Not wanting to expose yourself to unnecessary danger =/= cowardice. Otherwise we could say that people who don't walk through fire/jump off tall buildings/drink bleach are cowards.
  2. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Not unless your enemy is wielding the same weapon.

    If your enemy is unarmed or the fight is in your favour, then you're a coward. There is no honour there.
  3. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    Killing someone with a weapon is humanitarian. I would hate for someone to bludgeon me to death with their meaty fists.
  4. black dragon 1

    black dragon 1 Well-Known Member

    I think that a mugger using a gun to take an old lady's pension check is a coward because he's too lazy to get a job and make an honest living.

    On the other hand, in war time and every man, women and child that defend their rights and beliefs in definitely no coward. Not that I'm saying that women or children should fight but they can't always hide or stand at the side.
  5. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    True that. :p
  6. IET

    IET New Member

    That is a very tricky question to answer because in some situations you would say yes, but in dilemmas you would say no. example. A police officer in general needs a rifle to keep him or her safe because their is no way that they can figure out or guess the situation they would be in where they would have to use a gun or just plain physical force, so I would say yes to that one (self defense) but some would use these weapons to intentionally get what they want or to just hurt people. I really don't know if that is a accurate answer, but that's my opinion on this.
  7. venomfang77

    venomfang77 Member

    if its self-defence then no. but if u attack a person who is wayy younger than u, a lot weaker than u, and doesnt have a weapon, then yea thats cowarldy
  8. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    i think not
    just imagine that... now if is that so, mario is the ultimate man because he never use weapons
  9. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Well, he uses shells for his own protection...
  10. venomfang77

    venomfang77 Member

    lol mario is like the master of weapons... i mean fireballs and all that
  11. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    Think of the cavemen, they ued rocks to kill stuff! These days, we would kill each other for something.
  12. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    They had to survive off by eating those animals!
  13. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    I think using guns and all that high tech stuff is coward behavior.

    Right now all the technology is going towards "invisibility", going under the radar, or mass bombing.

    I think it's much more humane to fight the old fashion sword and shield. At least you actually get in contact with each guy you take down. Plus there is always room for the guy to fight back.

    Shooting someone is just hit or miss, the end. If not in war, you might be lucky to end up in the hospital, but in war, it's pretty much just that.

    But in the end, if you wish to win unharmed, what better way to do it then be a coward and attack from a safe and far away place. People always choose the easier and the route with most success.
  14. Amandapanda

    Amandapanda Member

    The cowardly thing is to actually end up in a situation where you have to kill/shoot/hurt someone, then you have obviously failed in doing what is really curageous; talking, understanding and compromise to an agreement that works for everyone.
  15. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    If you are oppressed by your king and forever made slaves because they think you are nothing but dirt, there is no way to talk.

    In such situation, violence is the only way out.

    Of course everything should be solved as peacefully as possible, but as a soldier you don't have that luxury. If someone is going to threaten (or already arrived to threaten) your country/land/home, are you just going to talk and hope for them to listen? Or fight back?

    If everyone is so easy to talk to, then why do we have the political problems that we have now?

    Then what about the police? Are they cowards for using weapons? They kill people too, criminals are people too.

    But they kill bad people some may say, but bad people in who's view? To the killer, the world might be a totally different color and runs with different laws.

    Then what about animals? We kill them for meat, that's cowardice of us right? The sad thing is instead of using everything, we farm them for the purpose of killing.

    When we used to hunt for food, we appreciate the sacrifice that animals made a lot more. We'd use their everything.

    Are fists not weapons? The human body is a great weapon its self. We all posses this weapon and it can never leave us.

    Bulling can kill someone, words can make someone suicide. Are those not weapons?

    But by facing your opponent and fight with respect and honor, you let your opponent have their dignity. To stand up to someone is not what cowards do. To stab someone in the back or kick them when they are down is what cowards do.
  16. Amandapanda

    Amandapanda Member

    Fighting against a king who does that to his people would probably only lead to him slaughtering everyone.
    Country being like that is because the king is unable to compromise and understand his people.

    Again a failure in talking and understanding led to the cowardly act of war.

    Because people aren't willing to listen and are too afraid to compromise.

    If unprovoked, yes.

    Animals are not people, we need food.

    I can use the photoframe i have on my desk as a weapon, i choose not to.

    Same as above, and bullies are like the schoolbook examples of cowards.

    Even if violence seems like the only option, it's still a cowardly one.
  17. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    But people are animals too. What makes us so high up that we have the right to kill other animals for food the way that we do?
    Animals don't want to be pinned up in a barn and slaughtered without a choice.

    Of course on one wants to live in a world with violence. Slaves overthrowing kings did happen in history. Yet those slaves are not cowards for standing up to their tyrant king. Even if they failed to overthrow their tyrant, they at least tried.

    If the world is ideal, everyone would be happy and easy to talk to.

    The real world is not like that, which is why violence happens. To go as far as saying everyone use weapons are cowards is unfair.

    It has to be case by case. Why could a normal human being punch someone randomly? Unless threatened.
    In self protection, there is nothing cowardly about fighting back.
    But just because someone calls you a bad name you punch that person, that'd be wrong. If the someone is choking you and you stab him with the nearest knife, then there is nothing cowardly about that.

    As mentioned by IET, this question must be looked at case by case. To state once and for all is a bit biased.
    Ideals and reality are different.