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Ar Tonelico fans...?

Discussion in 'Music' started by Zydaline, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    So, yeah, Ar Tonelico. Not sure how mainstream their influence is, but it's a pretty neat little game - and I for one, am a fan. So I thought I'll make up a thread to see if there are any other AT fans, and to discuss our mutual affection for gorgeous songs and wooing girls in our TV screen.


    On spreading the disease to the clueless, etc.

    For those who don't know, Ar Tonelico is an RPG, yada yada, with sim elements blabla. There are two highs of the game - the first being that NIS bothered to develop a respectably complicated language for the game. There's the normal Hymmnos language that the revytails (singers) use to construct their songs, and then there are assorted dialects like the Pastalian dialect.

    You can see roughly, how the language is learned :

    For those who DON'T give a flying shit about light sabres and invented languages, the other high point (and I'm guessing probably what most of the fans flock to for) is the music. Most of the 'hymns' in the game are vocal tracks. They cover a pretty wide 'genre' of music, with most sounding subliminal (Church goes OOOO), some rock ones for battles, etc. They're pretty well done, if I do say so as a fan - and if you like different music and it appeals to your taste, chances are it'll appeal well.

    Example of the music :
    Chronicle Key - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PEmZdiFjwY
    Method_Implanta - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VM85AnbkEE&feature=related
    Stash : http://sakurahana.com/forum/games-ostss/39976-ar-tonelico-music-collection.html


    That said, AT is awesome. I've collected all the CDs and I'm hoping for a 4 - but I guess now that we've covered all three towers, there won't be any more? Still crossing fingers for a fourth game though. Anyway. I've never come across a serious fanbase other than the one at isisview. Are there any?

  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    When I read some of the posts, I imagined this game to be like Grenado Espada. And turns out, it's an anime-style RPG.


    I don't know man, the idea and the game itself is like Potatoes and Spider Webs. They just don't add up the way it should. The way you describe it, it's so majestic and astounding, the idea that a whole language comprised of vocals of emotions, etc.

    PS: The english lyrics for the 2nd song is more like those 16 digit security codes you get when you lose your password on a cheap internet forum.

    EDIT: Man, after finishing that one forum link, it kinda worries me that the guy takes so much effort into learning a fictional language that won't help in the real world. He could have spent his time learning another complex language.
  3. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    He's not the only one, I'm afraid. There's at least one other equal of Aquagon on the forum and most of the active users can literally TALK in the language. It's mind boggling. I for one would never spend so much time...Being die hard. >_>

    Well, I'm a fan of the music, so I'm kind of blind to all it's faults. ;3
    It's pretty much a standard RPG yeah. Dungeon crawling, enemy-beating, synthesizing. It's got a uniquer-than-normal battle style, but that's about it. I just...Adore the music and stuff @_@
    Can't resist glorifying it.
  4. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    How does the language come into play? There's no point making a language more complex than the Klingon Language if it's not used properly. Is it used in normal dialogue outside of the dramatic scenes?
  5. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    Rarely. It's only used when the singers/revytails or the administrators of the tower are unlocking things/talking to robots/preparing spells etc. So nope, no outside use. When it plays, the speech text uses the invented words instead of normal alphabets. The main idea of the language is for the RTs to express their emotions in their songs. It's not used even as a communicating language amongst themselves.

    They can't exactly implement it everywhere though. No one would know what they're talking about...Or care, frankly.
  6. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    The music is quite nice. I may give the game a try, while ignoring all the romajapanenglishebrewelshawaiian.
  7. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I liked the games for being generally entertaining in regards to gameplay and the horribly, HORRIBLE sexual undertones to virtually everything.


    Beyond that, don't really care. Music was okayish for the most part.